To whom it may concern: Greetings! This letter is to convey - TopicsExpress


To whom it may concern: Greetings! This letter is to convey the most pressing complaint and concern that the non-government organization TIRADA MEDIA GROUP have ever received up to the present. This is about the mourning family who lost the head of their family, Gilbert E. Retita who worked abroad as an OFW for more than a year. Gilbert E. Retita’s application to work in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was processed on the 13th of December in the year 2012. He signed the employment agreement with the agency Muraken International Manpower Services. The employment agreement states that he will be working as a welder under the employer Abdulla Maintenance & Contracting Co. Ltd./Abdula Maintenance owned by Naif Saleh Matroudi Blacksmith, with monthly compensation of 400.00 US dollars per month. It turned out that when he was deployed in the workplace, he worked as a laborer and his original contract reflects a monthly salary of 10, 000 Philippine peso with 200 Philippine peso food allowance. On the 23rd of December last year, he was doing very well and had talked to his family through phone. Three days after that, December 26 around 1 AM in Philippine time, his wife received a call from Gilbert’s co-worker telling them that Gilbert suffered from a severe convulsion and that they will request their employer to bring him to the hospital as soon as possible because he was so pale and barely breathing. Gilbert’s co-worker brought him to the hospital but he was not admitted because they needed a downpayment of 2,000 riyal and so they called their employer to ask for assistance but received a negative response saying that he has no money. On the next day, December 27 around 7:00-8:00 in Philippine time, Gilbert’s wife received a call from his co-worker and delivered the sad news that his husband already passed away. He did not receive any medical attention from the hospital because of the failure to pay 2,000 riyal. Until this moment as I write this letter, January 18, 2014, Gilbert Rettita’s remains/ dead body lies on his employer’s care. After asking Gilbert’s recruitment agency about the remains, the management just replied saying that the process of sending the body is being taken care of by the employer. Meanwhile, Gilbert’s wife has been receiving calls from Gilbert’s employer. He is refusing to take care of sending Gilbert’s body back here in the Philippines not until his family agrees to sign a waiver saying that he will have no other obligations after he send the remains back home. The recruitment agency suggested that they make and sign a waiver like what Gilbert’s employer wanted. What the Gilbert Retita’s family wants is that the agency and employer to take responsibility for what happened to Gilbert, his funeral and burial services expenses. The family’s still mourning over the death of their loved one but they had to try their hardest to struggle about how to get back Gilbert’s body, expenses without above all, having to compromise the justice they have been yearning for Gilbert. For a family of an OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker) and himself, having to sacrifice being away from loved ones just to earn barely adequate living, a fair justice is what is only left to fight for. On behalf of the TIRADA MEDIA GROUP as a broadcaster/commentator, I would like to appeal for the OFW and his family’s rights. I am still relying to the capacity and responsibility of the nation and its government to protect his people and their human rights. I am still being optimistic that necessary and prompt actions will be accomplished to give Gilbert and his family peace. I together with my group and Gilbert’s family and relatives hope that justice will prevail. Thank you for your time on this matter. We hope to hear from you soon. More power to you and your good office! Sincerely yours, Jun Ferrer Broadcaster/Commnetator/Web Publisher TIRADA MEDIA GROUP tiradabalita/ 0927-353 1140/ 0949-749 9231/ (02) 431-4778
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 02:22:27 +0000

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