Today I am thankful for opportunity Dallas Cowboys Vs Detroit - TopicsExpress


Today I am thankful for opportunity Dallas Cowboys Vs Detroit Lions, it was the fourth quarter and Dallas was leading by 6 points. Matthew Stafford completed a pass to Calvin Johnson and he ran the ball all the way to the goal line to be met by 2 defensive players from the Cowboys. Stopped inches from the in zone with only an inch and 3 seconds left of the clock, Stafford yelled to his offence to get on the line of scrimmage to he could spike the ball and stop the clock. Ball snaps.. NO spike… Matthew Stafford surprised both his team and the Dallas Cowboy’s defensive line when he jumped over the center and broke the plane of the in zone to score the winning touchdown for Detroit !!! In his TV interview later after the game his comment was “ I saw an opportunity and said HECK YES!” though I am not very thrilled that the Cowboys lost to Detroit that game. I am glad that there was someone in the game that saw an opportunity and captured it, resulting in what cold quite possibly be one of the best wins of the entire season. Opportunity is defined as a set of circumstances that make it possible to do or accomplish something. A lucky chance, a favorable time or moment, the “rights set of circumstances”. You can call it what you want but for me I call it a window of time that can be utilized for success OR that can be closed and lost. Sports have always been a great way to see open opportunities and watch them be captured. Most sports are calculated and there are people that analyze every single play on the field… almost to the point that while the games going on they can pretty much tell you the circumstances and the probable outcome of every situation… However there are always things that happen that throw the calculation to the wind, like in 2010 when the New Orleans Saint were pegged as the underdogs in Super bowl 44. The head coach of the Saints Sean Payton ordered an onside kick at half time while they were losing! This was the opportunity that they needed. The saints recovered the ball and scored, later to win the game with an interception from Payton Manning to Tracy Porter. Business works the same way, there are millions of opportunities in this word. We are presented with them daily. The question is… what do you do with them when they are staring you in the face? Do you cower to them? Do you proceed with caution? Do you conquer them as they come? Or are you like many people who just allow them to pass you by unnoticed, only to be captured by someone else with more desire, more drive, more ambition, more confidence, and more of a hunger for success. That’s what happens in most cases. I can’t tell you how many times I have spoken to someone with a story about how “if the circumstances would have been different, they would have been successful” however there was someone right behind them that scooped up their opportunity and away they ran. Causing a life time of regret, and in some cases causes them to despise the person for actually taking advantage of the situation and coming out ahead. People are too prone to give in to temporary defeat, causing them to not only fail, but instructing others what NOT to do. In the book THINK AND GROW RICH, Nepolean Hill talks about a guy who was mining for gold, and he gave in just feet from a HUGE gold mine!! Could you imagine you work your hands and fingers to the bone for NOTHING, walk away empty handed .. Only to give your opportunity up to someone who knows what you did and can utilize your hard work and add just a bit of theirs to it… causeing them to Stike it rich!!!! Do you think you could ever forgive yourself for that? A good friend and I went out one night while I was running my first business, he was was working for a local tire shop making pennies for all his hard work. I was talking to him about business and the things that he wanted to do. We sat down at Buffalo Wild Wings and had a few beers. By the end of the night James was Hell bent of not working for someone anymore. He was later presented with an opportunity that would be life changing , James and His dad started a Logistics company in Conroe and are now doing very well for themselves. If he had not recognized the opportunity when they did James would probably not have been able to get his Dodge Viper, or his nice house he moved into. He most likely would have watched his opportunity fall to the feet of someone else. Instead James and Ricky now own and operate a fast growing company that is taking very good care of them. There are always windows of opportunity, there are times in ourlives when we must open our eyes to something different, something that is NOT in our comfort zone. And instead of saying “if I would have” you can start saying “ when I saw my opportunity I said HECK YES!!!” you have the opportunity to be a good parent, spouse, friend, coworker, or even teammate. Remember do your bestwith your opportunities or SOMEONE ELSE WILL!!. KEEP CHARGING!!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 18:52:25 +0000

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