Today, I am thanking Mr. Hunter for a few extra days of reading. - TopicsExpress


Today, I am thanking Mr. Hunter for a few extra days of reading. That wasnt what he had intended though and thanking might not be the correct word. It was the middle of the day. A day that had started with 85 in the shade at 9.30am. It was so hot I was limiting Hunters walks to just outside the front door. Hes a little deaf since the surgery, but he always comes when I call. I opened the door and moved my wheelchair into the opening. Bullet and Hunter trotted down the steps into the yard. Then Hunter made a sharp left and ran around the side of the house. What followed was a very loud dog argument. I called. Bullet came, but no Hunter. I called and called. No results. I moved the chair out onto the porch and called until I began to panic. Bullet and I went back into the house and headed for my bedroom where I thought Id be able to see Hunter out the window. Looking out I saw Hunter laying on the ground motionless. His body half on this side of the fence and half under the fence in the neighbors yard. The argument was still going. It appeared that the neighbors dogs had dug a hole under the fence in an attempt to escape. Hunter had discovered the hole and was doing his best to keep them out of his yard. I called. Hunter didnt move. I headed for the front door trying to formulate a plan for getting down the steps and out in the yard to save Hunter, afraid he was already dead. I threw my walker off the porch. Lowered myself to the porch floor and bounced on my butt down the steps. Grabbing my walker I rolled around the corner. Hunter was still laying there not moving. I positioned my walker over him and using the fence for leverage I dragged his body out of the hole. His bottom lip was bleeding and he had so much dirt in his eyes he could barely see. He had been using his plump little body to plug the opening. Get in the house, I ordered. By the time I got around the corner of the house and back to the porch Hunter was waiting patiently by the front door. My legs were burning so badly I knew I didnt have five minutes left. And then looming above me were the steps. The steps I couldnt climb. A fine mess Id gotten myself into. I headed for the opposite side of the house and the wheelchair ramp, Hunter following closely behind. Why hadnt I taken the ramp in the first place? I didnt think I could stand on my pins that long, but in the end I had no choice. Once in, Hunter and I both collapsed. I couldnt tell which of the two of us was panting harder. Then the pain from the dog pulling shoulder hit. I wonder if theres a medication to prevent stupidity. Get me a prescription, I certainly could use a few tablets. And Hunterd get half a tab too.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 16:05:12 +0000

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