Today I had the privilege of preaching what was supposed to just - TopicsExpress


Today I had the privilege of preaching what was supposed to just be a Fathers Day message but we ALL went in. Just thought I would share a few notes from the message. Luke 8:26-39 (story of the mad man gadera) Sermon notes: 1) The man was not identified by his name but by his condition. When you have been in something or struggled with something for long enough, people strip your identity and call you by your issue...He had a reputation but people werent counting on his restoration. 2) The man could not be bound by peoples ropes. Every time it looked like he was under control he broke out of THEIR constraints. This happened multiple times. He was dealing with cyclical behavior. You are only a candidate for freedom when you are truly tired of the same old cycles. God has declared today that I am breaking your cycles. 3) He was living in the tombs. To everyone else this was not normal... It wasnt NORMAL but it was NECESSARY. People may talk about your condition right now, but youre positioned in the right place to see Jesus when he shows up on the scene. Youre also in the perfect place to experience a major miracle. 3) Let them talk! The tombs are a part of your testimony! Tombs represent the bad places in your life. The untouchable places. The place where your bones (skeletons) are buried. Its amazing for them to be dry bones... why do people always seem to find your bones so juicy. #bewareofdogs 4) Let them talk! The tombs are only temporary! You are not limited by your current condition. 5) Bible said he cried out (hollered) long before Jesus came.. But I believe it was his holler that provoked Jesus to come through a storm to see about him. Then when Jesus arrived he hollered.... Your miracle is voice activated. Your holler may have been because of pain before... but when HE shows up, let your pain turn into a praise. (he bowed and worshiped) 6) Jesus freed him from the demons. This is the hour that Jesus is freeing us from WHATEVER we WANT to be freed from! Receive it NOW.. addictions, habits, bondages, sicknesses (physical, spiritual, and emotional) BE FREE!!! 6) Go back and heal the places that you broke while you were in your broken state. When he got delivered, he wanted to go on the field with Jesus.. and Jesus said go home. If we took the time to restore our families WHOLE CITIES will be CHANGED! In our times of brokeness we do things in our lives that hurt a lot of people. We damage relationships. We hurt our family. Truth of the matter is, we owe some people an apology. But once you apologize do NOT let them hold what you did over you. Just be humble... work to rebuild trust (when and if possible) and move forward. It doesnt always mean you have to reestablish the relationship as it was. SOME PEOPLE YOU DONT NEED IN YOUR LIFE ANY MORE ANYWAY!!! There was a lot more but I just wanted to share some high points and hope they bless you.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 17:13:32 +0000

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