Today I have two pressing issues. Firstly Gwede Mantashe, the - TopicsExpress


Today I have two pressing issues. Firstly Gwede Mantashe, the Secretary General of the ANC is increasingly sounding like PW Botha... foreign agents are responsible for the strike on the platinum belt! and Mark Cutifanni, Australian mine workers earn five times more than South African mine workers because Austrlian mine workers are ten times more productive!. Dear Mr Mantashe people do not have to be told by foreigners that they are hungry, or that they cannot keep up with the cost of living with a basic income of R5 500. If you are referring to the Swedish Doctor of Economics, Dick Forslund who is married to a Xhosa woman from the Eastern Cape who pointed out that the three major platinum producers are evading taxes and a living wage for mine workers by cooking the books, I would suggest that you should first go and do an economics 101 course before you put your foot in your mouth again. Or is your uninformed statement the product of the fact that you are a former SG of the National Union of Mineworkers and that your buddies in the ruling party are shareholders or board members of the same mining companies? Mr Cutifani, CEO of Anglo American corporation, I believe that you frequently visit Rome for private consultations with the Pope? Are they consultations or confessions? Firstly Australian workers might well be more productive (although I doubt it, you provide no source of reference for your claim in the Business day today), but then they do not receive the appalling wages, live in zinc shacks, or work in the atrocious conditions of your South African mines, I would suggest rather that it is their pale complexion that motivates you to pay them more rather than their productivity. If South African mine workers were as unproductive as you claim how come there is a glut on the platinum market? Not even a 20 week long strike could get the price to move upwards. What is more the Business Times on Sunday headlined that Big dividends from miners bring smiles to investors. How is this possible on the back of a 20 week strike in the platinum industry and on the back of low worker productivity? Mr Mantashe and Mr Cutifani you take the prize for idiots of the week loose hands. Do you think that the South African public are completely stupid? I think the two of you owe the public an apology!.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 11:11:11 +0000

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