Today I say goodbye to one of the most important people in my - TopicsExpress


Today I say goodbye to one of the most important people in my entire life, my mother. My mother, Jennifer, was an astounding woman. Not only was she kind and caring, with a less than subtle hint of healthy sarcasm, she was also so incredibly smart – it’s like she knew everything in the best way possible. I’ve never held a better conversation – about anything, with anybody- than I have with my mother. She was constantly teaching me new things; ranging anywhere from ancient history to life lessons. From a young age, she always taught me to believe in myself. She taught me that life can be harsh, but as long as you have your family, it’s worth it to keep pushing. She taught me that any doubt I may have in myself will pass, and that besides love, hope is the next best thing to have. I’ll be honest, if my mother wasn’t as kind, or supportive, I would never be where I am today. Because of her, I am constantly pushing myself to be a better person and make life nicer and easier for not only myself, but also those who surround me. I don’t think there is a single person that I have ever looked at with such awe, nor has there been one who has had such a large impact, such a large influence, on me. I never imagined that I would have to say goodbye to her so early. I always convinced myself that, with my success, I would be able to take care of her (and my father) and give her everything she wanted (with nothing but her delicious cooking as the price). I thought, or hoped…, or imagined, I suppose, that I would buy her this lovely apartment for her and my step father to share. They would spend hours wandering around NYC, spend the day at the Met, or stay out on their rooftop terrace, watching the stars with their dog(s). That’s the life I wanted for my mother. Something lovely and carefree, like she always managed to give me. It’s so hard to say goodbye, but I know you’re in a better place; cooking delicious meals for Joe and Jimbo and playing fetch with Nina, Blacky, and Blue. Take care of everybody like I know you will, and I’ll do so as well. You were wonderful – a wonderful mother, sister, daughter, and aunt. I love you so much Mommy - I always, always will. Rest in peace. Love, Zoe and Griffin
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 19:53:55 +0000

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