Today, I went to the salon and had my hair cut, foiled and blown - TopicsExpress


Today, I went to the salon and had my hair cut, foiled and blown dry. It had been so long and I felt so horrible about my appearance, the growing relief and joy I felt with each crinkle of the foil and snip of the scissor, made me think back on my hair history. There were bangs and pony tails that served me well into 5th grade. The Dorothy Hamil, and the Toni Tenille, causing my mom to get up every morning to curl my hair under...all the way around in a perfect mushroom top around my head. Then there was the Laurie Partridge, long, straight...70s fabulous! But then...then came Farrah! And so began the layers, frosted hair pulled so painfully through caps and the perms. I remember my father being mortified the first time my hairdresser charged $50. Oh, Daddy...if you only knew! All of this is historically significant as it leads up to college and my first roommate, Jill Beckman. She swooped into our dorm room that first day, with her Picasso print to my Unicorn poster. She had gorgeous silver add-a-beads, I had a little cross. Jill had the most gorgeous, glistening blonde, professionally straightened hair Id ever seen...I had a failed Madonna wanna be frizzy perm with wings. I then recalled the very moment my current hair style, albeit evolved over the years, began. Jill took me to her home in Baltimore for a weekend. I remember her beautiful home, her hilarious dad, her little brother Scott skulking around...but I remember most the moment her gorgeous mom looked at us both and declared our hair must be done! Appointments were made, and off I went to the salon to get my first foil. It was life changing! It was natural yet glamorous! It was pain free yet expensive. It was a miracle...and so began my love affair with the foil. It eventually evolved into high AND low lights...deep conditioning and special blow outs. As I swiped my debit card today, I thought back on that little salon in MD and my old friend, Jill and wondered how could I have ever known that day was the first day of a life long pleasure and a massive fortune spent on a habit Id have for the rest of my life.....
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 02:17:34 +0000

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