Today as we look out on the religious condition of the nation some - TopicsExpress


Today as we look out on the religious condition of the nation some of us are quick to point the finger and echo the words written in the Old Testament by the prophet Jeremiah that says, “Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion under foot, they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness”. Jer.12: 10. In other words, we blame the pastors for our carnal inebriate condition but we have FAILED to look closely at the LIVES of the laity who are quick to attach themselves to every known carnality. Therefore, Pastors nowadays are preaching to assemblies who aspire to live as the World does and not according to the teachings of the Christ. The grace doctrine has many believing that you can do what you want, when you want, where and how you want. Some how we have misconstrued grace which is not a license to sin but to serve. These people know some kind of doctrine, some even speak in some kind of glossolalia but their heart is far from God. Now the bible did warn us of a great falling away but the falling away becomes painful to the pastor who has laboured with those sheep that have chosen to take such a path. These people attribute blame to pastors instead of their own doubt, unbelief and hardness of heart. Their inconsistent behavior and a morbid relationship with the Most High, deceives them into thinking that their pastors who are ordain of God, cannot discern the spirituality of the “sheep”. They are deceived into thinking that the shepherd and the sheep are on the “same level” and so they refuse to adhere to teaching. In the end they “wear out” one shepherd as tool of satan and then move to the next assembly. Their lives remain unchanged because of their lack of faith, obedience, loyalty and a disciplined attitude. Today, let us therefore watch over our own front door and make a determination to follow the Lord. A Christian that practices sin is a sinner and as denied the faith and, but for the mercy of God, you are not consumed. I am asking God to encourage pastors and let them know that the people are not rejecting them but they are rejecting God. So wipe the tears from your eyes, “Prophet Samuel”, how long will ye mourn for Saul?
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 17:30:53 +0000

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