Today has just been such a tender day... I am a mess. Just a few - TopicsExpress


Today has just been such a tender day... I am a mess. Just a few moments ago I was making myself something to eat while simultaneously cleaning up my kitchen. I was mixing up ingredients and went to get my beloved little, metal tablespoon I use for just about everything, significantly for scooping coffee in the morning... Anyway, I went to get it and it wasnt in its usual place. So I checked the next logical place. Not there. So I checked inside the coffee bag, perhaps I accidentally left it in there. Not there. I frantically tore my entire kitchen apart looking for this little tablespoon. Nothing. Just so ya know, its been one of those days where Im feeling really emotional and winey towards God, so I start wining to Him, God, what the heck!? I was seriously done and about to give up and just use a regular spoon. Immediately, something nudges my heart to check the garbage disposal. My heart leaps, because I know thats exactly where it has to be. Sure enough. I know its silly to get that emotional over a little, tiny tablespoon, but... For those of you who know me... being me.. I see everything in my life as prophetic. So this little situation parallels exactly how I have been feeling lately... As I stood here holding my little tablespoon I began to weep because I heard Holy Spirit speak, Youre like this little, tiny tablespoon. I know sometimes you feel like you are so small that your purpose doesnt matter... But you are so precious to Daddy God. If you fall down in some hole and feel misplaced somewhere, God will frantically tear everything apart to come after you. He uses you in so many ways. Significant ways. I see how comparison kills self-worth in people. The value of a possession is esteemed by the purposes of its possessor. If you compared my tablespoon with, for instance, my blender or big, bulky microwave, just because the other two are bigger or stand out more doesnt mean that they are more valuable to me. The little, mundane, simple things I do dont go unnoticed by my Father.. He knows my every thought and every daydream. He knows my comings and goings. When I rise and when I fall... He is splendidly aware of it all. He is so tender and sentimental with me to speak to me and instruct my heart through my own little tablespoon.. He knows what makes me tick. He knows what plucks at my heart strings. He knows exactly what people I need in my life and how to tenderly knit them into my path as I go about my day. He refreshes me in simple ways and reassures me with still, soft whispers. Sorry that this is a novel but this is my little story of how God spoke to me. Today, it was through my tablespoon... God, Im Your possession and I love how You love me and use me significantly. Holy Spirit, Im still listening. Ill always be listening.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 19:58:05 +0000

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