Today i was questioned in the gym and asked for my views on rep - TopicsExpress


Today i was questioned in the gym and asked for my views on rep range for optimal muscle growth. my thoughts on the much debated matter. Have you ever walked in the gym looked around and seen a human beast of a person, but they are training like a beauty queen. and then you get the athletic looking guy that is lifting like a bulldozer. Although two athletes may possess similar physiques, the muscle they have built using their different training methods may not be the same. In other words, all muscular growth was NOT created equal! There are two types of hypertrophy (muscle building) Sarcoplasmic- arcoplasmic hypertrophy is an increase in the volume of the non-contractile muscle cell fluid, sarcoplasm. This fluid accounts for 25-30% of the muscle’s size Myofibrillar hypertrophy, on the other hand, is an enlargement of the muscle fiber as it gains more myofibrils, which contract and generate tension in the muscle. With this type of hypertrophy, the area density of myofibrils increases and there is a significantly greater ability to exert muscular strength so wheres my thoughts on the two, to be frankly honest i dont have a thought on either, we know that both build muscle size and we know that both develop the muscle, but what i do have a thought on is both have to be used in contractile methods to get maximal benefit. A person has to develop a good ground by first lifting heavy weight to develop there muscle firing rate. A well developed nuero path way is a well developed muscle. lets understand if a person can not contract a muscle with out weight they can not build a muscle. By developing a strong nuero muscular pathway will encourage muscle growth through both types of hypertrophic training. The stigma with what is the most optimal rep range will be forever more debated however i think people have over looked for may moons that majority of people lack muscular development as they simply can not fire a muscle. Take most people that have undeveloped back with the beach muscles look, these are the types that asked to do a lat spread could not. If a person can not do a lat spread they can not develop their lats. A muscle can not tell how heavy a weight is but more to how hard the muscle is working. It is our job to educate ourselves, to be creative, and put together the most result-producing programs available for training athletes or ourselves. This may even mean incorporating both types of hypertrophy training , . But remember that no matter how bad those high-rep sets of leg extensions burn, they will never develop a neuro pathway and this will result in less muscular gain due to low firing pattern, so squat and deads are on the cards.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 17:50:28 +0000

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