Today in my small town of Netcong, NJ a cadre of fellow Americans - TopicsExpress


Today in my small town of Netcong, NJ a cadre of fellow Americans marched down our Main Street with signs that said Mr. President, Tear Down This Website, Stop Obamacare, Keep Government Out of Healthcare, and Nobamacare. When my wife asked them what party or organization they represent, she was told that they represent no particular group. They were just people who were united in their distaste for Obamacare. I would like to join these Americans and say, Mr. President, stop this madness and kill the ACA. Today I would like to outline three reasons why Obamacare should be repealed or otherwise terminated: First, if Obamacare is allowed to continue, it will inevitably end in the death spiral. This term is used to describe the self-destruction which will occur when the exchanges become overloaded with the sickest people and with too few of the young and healthy to subsidize the costs. The broken website is so unworkable and frustrating that the only individuals who are willing to spend hours trying to get through are those who are the most desperately in need of healthcare. They will saddle the exchanges boosting the average age much higher than earlier projections. The 20 and 30-year-olds, who are counted on to subsidize the costs, are not willing to jump through hoops and call 800 numbers to sign up. Furthermore, with the recent allowance for legacy junk policies to persist into 2014, many people will simply keep what they have (as they were promised they could do) and this will further keep the young and healthy out of the exchanges. When the exchanges become saddled with excessive costs, they will have no choice but to raise premiums which in turn will only further discourage the young and healthy from signing up and others that already have ACA-compliant plans may drop them and choose to pay the penalty. All told the ACA will self-implode and be forced to subsidize the insurance companies with tax payer dollars (think bailout). Second, there are many people (like myself) who have not used the exchanges for fear that our personal information will be used by criminals and identity thieves. This worry is very real. David Kennedy, a white hat hacker who finds security holes in websites and information systems for corporate customers, testified before an congressional committee this past week that the website has many security holes, that hackers can easily compromise the website and gain access to the potentially single largest trove of personal information on Americans: social security numbers, birth dates, income details, addresses, medical histories, etc. This doesnt even include the potential for abuse from the army of navigators who will have access to the system and to peoples profiles. Third, Obamacare was sold to the American public as an improvement to our current health insurance system. How many times were we promised that if you like your doctor, you can keep him, or if youre happy with your plan, you can keep it. Period.? Or how about this one: For the average family of four, the ACA will save them $2500. Americans are not stupid. People are now realizing that not only have we been lied to, but that Obamacare is really a redistributive program. Instead of taxing the rich and the healthy and giving to the poor and the sick, the ACA is really just forcing the insurance companies to become the governments agents in expropriating wealth from some classes to give to other classes. And as long as there are more recipients of this largess (and also government subsidies) than members of the paying classes, the president will continue to win votes for his party. To all those who stand up and say Repeal Obamacare, The ACA is Bad Medicine, and Obamacare Makes Me Sick, I join with you in repudiating this law. Laws that are bad for Americans, unworkable, and self-destructive deserve to be repealed and replaced. Stop Obamacare before it causes more damage to our country.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 02:20:20 +0000

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