Today is my sister Vickis birthday. If youve wondered why Ive been - TopicsExpress


Today is my sister Vickis birthday. If youve wondered why Ive been posting all the pics of her all month, thats why. Ive been celebrating her during her month. Instead of a final picture, Im writing memories. When I was a baby she would hold me so my mom could sleep and so I wouldnt cry. She sewed us matching clothes, and one woman at church thought she was my mom and that we were wearing mother-daughter look-a-likes. She taught me all the cheers that her letter girl squad performed, and even had me on the field with her to cheer a time or two (go Vikings IHS). She taught me the Hustle (1970s dance). She would do my hair in a bun. She taught me the art of shopping and eating out. She saved me when my oldest, Michael, was 3 days old and I was struggling to nurse him. She sat with me and told me, YOU CAN DO THIS over and over until I calmed down enough to make it work. I watched her bury her youngest daughter and NEVER give up her faith. Her comment was always, I will live my life the best I can so I can be with her again. And she did. I could go on and on... her stellar example of love, faith, and family will always be with me. We will sing the soundtrack to Victor Victoria again. We will laugh again together. Families are forever. I love and miss her. Happy Birthday Vicki!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 04:38:12 +0000

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