Today is this post I will like to talk About “Leadership - TopicsExpress


Today is this post I will like to talk About “Leadership morality and ethnics” talking about this I will like to revisit the past.. The purpose of history is to know the Past in order are just the present and plan for the future.. What was our past? What was Nigeria in the first Republic? How did we start? What were the Leaders like. Those leaders of the first republic were.. We witness there weakness, there human beings, perfection is an attribute of God, only God is perfect but comparectly speaking those leaders were excellent. Nnamdi azikiwe, chef obafemi awoluwo, Sardauna of sokoto, sir Abubaka tafawa balewa, J.S sarka, malam Aminu kano. This were decent, leaders that went to politics to serve not to be serve, to give not to take, this were leaders who concern with the welfare of the people, leader who inspire of there political deferences were all time prepare to come together and unit and accommodate one another in the interest of the nation, these were leaders who were honest and did not go in to politics to make money, NO there went there to serve not to be serve, in did as a result of there leadership in this days, theres a report in 1961 or 62 that Nigeria with two order develop country in the world. Would in 15 to 20 years join the Industrial nation of the world. The other two country were India and brazil, India and Brazil have made it today have wont there, india is nucle power, india in Field of technology is on the fore front, india manufacture plans, Build ships, india produce more doctors than any country in the world today. India has made it, india has the same problems with Nigeria, ethnicity, religious bigotry, and so many differences, and the second largest population of the world. And yet over come all this difficulties or all this problems become what there are today because of the LEADERSHIP, brazil to did it, brazil have the finest agricultural program in the world today, brazil build ship, manufacture plan, cars, Bomb and all such of things and incidentally brazil and Nigeria establish there defense industry the same year. Our defense industry in kaduna only manufacture furniture, when we started in the first republic under the leadership of Sir Abubakar tafawa balewa any ware Nigeria went there keep there heads high, there were respected, there admire, Today as we go out there keep our heads down in shame we are afraid to hold our heads up. Leadership is wrong. What is happening today in Nigeria is not in our culture, Nigeria was not like this before under the leadership of those good people. Who were always prepare to place the national interest above there personal interest, Nigeria was making sprints. We no longer have that type of leadership. Nigeria as a country was dissent, morally sound, we have the political cloud that make us acceptable to all African county. To day as I keep saying we are no longer what we are, The institution and family has broken down, respect for elders and constitutional Authority that use to be our cardinal principle in our society is now at his lowers app, honesty and just, fair as become meaningless, sumptuous of revoke large in horizon, in short today there is meaningless in philosophy, insecurity in politics, immorality in society, corruption in economic, frustration in hear and even lack of creativity in literature, things are falling apart.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 06:44:19 +0000

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