Today our baby GIRL is 18 weeks and 4 days old! Only 150 days - TopicsExpress


Today our baby GIRL is 18 weeks and 4 days old! Only 150 days to go.... 4 days until our next scan!!! Hello friends! Hope youre all happy and well!! We are great as always! I was up late last night scanning my Babies R Us catalogue again for Im heading there Friday! Hearing that Baby Bunting were having a sale too only added to my excitement! I began my investigating immediately! LOL! Half the time the catalogues have absolutely nothing we want or need, but just being amongst all things baby enthuses my excitement! We are all in budget for everything weve bought so far and the few things we need to go (car seats etc) will fit into our baby buys budget nicely! So I know it may seem like I go overboard sometimes, we really havent bought anything we dont need and everything has been accounted for financially!Theres no crazy spending going on! Half the time Im all talk! Im the window shopping queen!! But of course if theres a bargain, all bets are off! LOL! I have to admit, last night I was getting flustered with sleep sacks! Babies R Us are selling them incredibly discounted with their sale So I thought it great we got a couple as they are so expensive at full price! Anyway I was trying to figure out how old bubs would be during different seasons, her age, and if the sale items fit the thermal rating we needed etc etc and trying to figure out when she would stop being swaddled and going into a sleep sack.... Ahhhh, I was overwhelmed! So I think Im going to leave sleep sacks for now! The purchasing of them that is! Weve already got a couple of second hand ones from my Boss, so they can do for now! I had to laugh! When I was getting stressed over which ones to buy, Chels chimed in with Its okay babe, dont stress about it now! Weve got nine months to sort it out...., To which I laughed out loud! Ahhh, no honey- try closer to 4 and a half months!! She laughed and then we were both like Oh shit...shes going to be here before we know it!!! Oh Im so glad were so organised! I know I keep saying that, but look how CRAZILY fast these last 18weeks have gone! She really is going to be here in a FLASH....and Im so glad we really only have a couple of things left to get for her! Well friends, I know its just a short one today but Ill be off to drink my coffee watch the news! Its 5:45am and I love that Ive got three hours still before I have to go to work! To do nothing really...just enjoy the stillness before I reach the CRAZY that is a 3 and 2 year old at work! I only get up at 5am on the nights before I work, but I find it relaxing!! Oh, one last thing... Does anyone have a Baby Einstein neighbourhood friends Activity Jumper?? Totally random question I know, but they are on sale and I was wondering about them! As yet I dont know if we are having a baby shower, and dont want to ask for specific gifts, so we are wanting to perhaps get a couple of items for when shes older while we have the extra income! Next year when Im staying at home we wont have a lot to save to buy things like this!! Naturally We wouldnt use something like this until Bubs was old enough to use it, but I was just wondering if anyone has one or something similar! They look like they go crazy in those things! LOL! Speak to you soon, guys!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 19:54:18 +0000

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