Today was a very Blessed~Tiring~Surprising~and Scary day all - TopicsExpress


Today was a very Blessed~Tiring~Surprising~and Scary day all rolled into one....Took 4 hours to get dressed, but I made it to our Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon at the Shop, and got to visit with all my Dear Co~Workers, Family & Friends, they all did a wonderful job preparing the food... Didnt think I would ever miss being at work, but I have truly missed them all. I have finally started to feel like a human being this week, and not on as much medication as I was and more awake and alert....I have pretty much mastered my knee scooter~inside the house, but not so much outside....getting in out doors with thresholds and steps are the hardest and the scariest! Thank goodness my 2nd cousin, Larry Guinn give some good pointers, so I have been extra cautious and careful, I keep a death grip on the handle bars.... But , that dang rose bush got in my way today and I had my 1st scooter accident, I learned to watch the front wheel going out the door, after getting it off the sidewalk and into the edging crack to the yard, a few times.. I had the front cleared , but forgot about the rear wheel when I went to turn to miss the rose bush , and the rear wheel caught the crack and sent me flying... Naturally to the left side, the side that is already broke... I tried to recover and natural instinct is to catch yourself... Yelp caught myself with the foot that is not supposed to have any weight or pressure on it.... Thank GOD , my heel wasnt completely down in the boot, when I am on the scooter a lot it pushes the boot away from my heel, so when I went to put it down, it had some room...Thank God, again my friend was right there at the door and kept me from going all the way to the ground, after all the screaming she did, Kenneth was there and picked the scooter up and got it back under me, while she held me up... Good news is ~I dont think I hurt it anymore than it was already hurt, it hurts the same amount as it did before and hurts no less.. Needless to say that dang rose bush is a nub now, thanks to my yard guy, who was here in a matter of minutes after I called him, he is going to come back tomorrow and put a 2x4 in the crack! I have been so BLESSED, thru all of this ordeal, so many family & dear friends have come to my aid, with food, flowers, cookie bouquets, Underwoods, edible arrangements, donuts , Frostys, ~ Pop Corn Balls~you name it... Not to mention all the phone calls, visits, well wishes , comments and Blessings! I Love You all, and I so appreciate everything that each and everyone one of you have done for me, for that I thank you from the bottom of my Heart!Thank you Debbie Eaton, for my own homemade Pecan Pie.. I may weigh 500 pounds before this is all over with! Lol...
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 03:25:15 +0000

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