Today was another milestone day. But let me catch you all up - TopicsExpress


Today was another milestone day. But let me catch you all up first. Ive been staying low key, trying to rest and recover. My stepmom was here until yesterday which was a big help. Ive been feeling pretty good, just tired. The past few days the paranoia has set in...the fear of seromas, doing something to my incisions or how long Im going to be hunched over. So Im being extra cautious which isnt necessarily a bad thing. The big news is, I got my last drain out today. The bigger news is, I pulled it myself! I think I impressed myself. I took a pain pill as a preventative measure, laid in bed, snipped the stitch holding it in, and tried to pull the drain. It wouldnt budge. I asked some of the girls that have been through this, double checked everything, and pulled harder and it came right out. Burned a little, but went away quickly. I go back to work tomorrow. Itll be a short day. Wednesday I see my primary doc to get my stitches out. I may start on them myself earlier as there are 1000+ stitches...too many for a normal doc appointment. Thursday I have a business trip to NYC, come back Friday night. Then Monday I have a business trip to Denver, come back Tuesday. I have the docs approval to travel, I just cant carry luggage. So I will be using the wheelchair at the airport and bringing a very small bag. Being on my feet so much can increase risks of swelling and seromas, so Ill be on my rear other than the business meetings themselves. One other bit of good news. I was selected to be a run leader with the Atlanta Track Club. So the same running programs I attended Saturday mornings, I will now get to help coach. The bummer is, I still cant run for another 4-6 weeks. So in the meantime, Ill be the home base person doing administrative stuff at practice until I can run again. Ive taken post-op pics. Im still swollen, but its gone down quite a bit. I cant wait to workout again to tighten things up, but its so nice to have the excess skin gone.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 02:58:00 +0000

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