Today was full of great, awful and awesome, in that order! First - TopicsExpress


Today was full of great, awful and awesome, in that order! First off, I finally got my hubby back safe and sound from the Philippines- that would be the great! It really makes me sad when he is gone so long. The awful would be that moment when you call for an emergency dentist appointment because you have a tooth ache, only to be told once you get there that you need an immediate root canal......... Really? Its not like I have to feed 64 kids plus chaperones a hot meal for dinner tonight at Impact or anything.....oh wait, I DO!! Gaaaaahhh So that leaves the awesome. That would be getting to the school in time to make dinner for everyone and to see them all come in the door, some of them so tired they can hardly talk let alone eat. But most of them have smiles on their faces from spending the day helping people! Being able to feed these kids (with a little help from pain meds and the wonderful Alicia Morris) to see their smiles, hit their high fives as they come through the line, and hear them say Thank you when you hand them hot food, is so worth it! I honestly love these kids so much and am so proud of them! I am the one who is blessed to be able to see them grow in The Lord, To watch them help others and to hear about how they are so excited to get out into their community and make a difference. Thank you all for giving me the opportunity to have a small part in your Impact experience! Now off to bed so I can get there early enough to get lunch ready then make 7 quiches and 5 coffee cakes for their breakfast on Sunday. I love my job!!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 07:08:17 +0000

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