Today was my last day working at Five Guys in Studio City. Back - TopicsExpress


Today was my last day working at Five Guys in Studio City. Back in early March of this year, I was laid off while working at a barbecue restaurant in Hollywood. One day, the owner just came in, had a long awkward talk with our manager, who then took me aside to tell me that tomorrow would be my last day working there. They were losing too much money, and it was time to close the restaurant, no matter the abrupt nature of it. For many, getting laid off is difficult, but what made it all the more harrowing for me was that only a few years prior, I had ran out of money while living in Los Angeles and was forced to move back home to work in Saginaw, at the local meat market and bowling alley. I love those people, and much of my hometown itself, but was far removed in my heart and mind and wanted to get back to stay and chase dreams in California. So when I was left with nothing again, I had to quickly find something. 4 days later, I was offered a position for less money and less pride, as a cashier/busser/burger flipper at Five Guys Burgers & Fries. With no real options, I took it and found myself swallowing my everything as people took me aside to show me the correct way to wipe down a table, and clean a grill, and scrub a toilet. I should have been more grateful, and while I attempted to, much of me was exhausted and depressed, and soon eating more than my fair share of the in-house fast food after dropping weight months previous. THEN, at the end of my rope, I freaked out one morning, telling God how I was on empty and was fine with him taking me out of this profession and into something else, if it meant wasting less time and finding more peace. That same day, I auditioned for a guest star in a new show called Navy Street. Using my emotion and anger from that morning, I jumped without a parachute in the performance and booked the role. Weeks later, I put in my two weeks at Five Guys. Tomorrow was supposed to be my last day. I received a call from an employee who asked if I had a shift he could cover. He said he could use the money. So I gave him my shift tomorrow. Which was going to be my last day. I couldnt say goodbye sooner. Now its on to writing screenplays that Ive neglected, eating healthier without free fast food waved in my face, and living the dream that I want to live here. Why I moved here. Why I work as hard as I do. This wasnt written all that thoughtfully, or aimed for dramatic insight. Im just emoting and journaling. And it feels good to be an actor again.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 01:50:47 +0000

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