Today (which will be tomorrow in 15 minutes) here are the things - TopicsExpress


Today (which will be tomorrow in 15 minutes) here are the things for which I am thankful: 1. I am thankful that several years ago the Washington County Council and Commissioners saw fit to choose for their employees a self funded insurance plan that has now devolved into a tart notice that we will no longer be offered health insurance as of December 31, 2013 due to rising costs of insurance. 2. I am thankful that the current Washington County Council and Washington County Commissioners saw fit to deal with this issue approximately six weeks prior to the expiration of our current insurance, making it virtually impossible to process all the necessary information to obtain insurance by January 1 or to obtain private insurance by the deadline. 3. I am thankful that the State of Indiana has a health insurance exchange which is broken, therefore preventing me from applying for health insurance through the exchange. 4. I am thankful that if and when I can apply for insurance through the exchange, I will not know what providers are accepting it until December 31, 2013, therefore meaning I may be obtaining insurance which requires me to obtain a new doctor or go to a hospital over 50 miles away for treatment, should I need it. 4. I am thankful that only one private company in my area is offering comparable insurance to that which I have now, even though it will be at an almost 400 percent increase in premiums, a higher deductible and no guarantee that I will be accepted by this company, even though it took me seven hours to fill out the application. 5. I am thankful, most of all for every person that voted for the president, the congressmen and the senators who allowed health care reform to occur. If you think what is happening to me isnt going to happen to you, wake up. There are 135 people in Washington County in the same boat as me and more to come. 6. I am thankful that my clients, who do not work, draw subsidies in the form of food stamps, welfare benefits, child care benefits, energy subsidies, housing subsidies, etc. can obtain insurance for free based on government subsidies. In addition, I am thankful that I obtained a college education, paid my school loans, have never filed bankruptcy, pay my bills on time, and have never had a government handout cannot get a subsidy because I am a few notches over the 400 percent poverty level guideline. Thank you to the government for rewarding the sloths of our country and punishing the middle aged, middle classed scrape and scramble hard working Americans upon whose back this country was built.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 04:59:40 +0000

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