Todays Insight and Prayer: “In America, we’re facing the worst - TopicsExpress


Todays Insight and Prayer: “In America, we’re facing the worst economic recession of our generation. It would be easy to blame Wall Street’s greed, Washington’s guile and graft, or the world’s gallop toward globalization. But the roots of our national crisis are far more complex and deeper than most realize. America needs more than financial bailout. We need a national healing. Our nation has been wounded by “isms”: materialism, hedonism, relativism, racism, extremism, secularism, narcissism, and cynicism. The patient is bleeding severely and needs immediate critical care.” When I read that statement I realized that the problem facing America is not what we think it is. It’s the passivity of the Christian that is really the problem of America….even the Church and its influence on the world. Why? Because the world is changing us, we aren’t changing the world. Scripture is plain that we are to be “change agents” and yet that’s exactly what we are not. Jesus said, “Come, follow me.” He is the model and example we are to follow. It is impossible for us to impact the world, when we look and act just like everyone else. That means everything about us ought to be different. The way the church operates is completely different from the way the world operates. We must become change agents and serve just like Jesus. Christianity isn’t really all that hard. It’s just that the world’s influence has changed us and we really don’t realize it. “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” Colossians 2:6-8 We need to pray that scripture. Then our churches will be different, our ministries will be different, our meetings will be different and above all our lives will be different - Then America will be different! May it be so LORD! Lets make a difference for Jesus! Blessings to you all, Pastor Don
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 16:37:41 +0000

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