Todays Inspirational Thought: A new beginning comes from - TopicsExpress


Todays Inspirational Thought: A new beginning comes from enduring too much for too long.... A test.... As school begins for my two boys today, it reminds me of taking a test... Life is constantly testing us... A test in school and as well as in life will show us our strong areas, as well as where we need improvement.... I look at life as a multiple-choice test. With one exception.... There is an infinite number of choices as opposed to A, B, C, or D.... So it is tough to say to yourself to pick the one in the middle.... We get stuck with this test daily.... We get lost dreaming of getting an A and fear picking the wrong answer.... You still will get a poor grade if you stare at the questions too long and do not answer any of them .... Life has limited time, as does a test in school.... So in life as in school, picking the best answer is the best approach.... It may be the wrong answer.... Hopefully it will be correct.... But we must answer the questions... We must not stare at this test every day trying to decide what answer to write in our mind... You see unlike on a schools test, in life there really is no wrong answer.... All answers are correct... They will only be correct however, if the answers come from within your heart... If you can grasp the power from within you to search for your answers, then you can never be wrong... If we lived from within our hearts inner core energy, we will live.... We will really live or true destination.... If we can truly answer from within making all answers right for us.... Then we will learn to realize total bliss, as it should be.... As we deserve it for us.... We all have this power within us.... We all need to tap this untapped potential within.... Fear is the number one reason we do not.... Fear stops us from listening to our hearts.... Our minds prevent our hearts by creating this fear from trying to reason with yourself.... Trying to prevent you from feeling a total bliss miracle.... A miracle is in all of us.... We can all get straight As in our test in life.... Dont allow fear in your mind or worse someone else in your life to prevent you from becoming. what your destination is meant for you to become.... Schools teach our children a lesson, but they dont prepare you for the lesson in finding your miracle... Teachers develop our childrens minds, but no one teaches us how to tap into your inner core heart to find out what we truly need to become.... What our destination is meant to be... I dont just say this as a catchy phrase.... You must always live each breath with passion.... Passion from within your core energy... It is the only way to live.... Morning Sunshine! I love when you speak to me.....
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 11:11:31 +0000

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