Todays theme is Asshats. What are they you ask? They are the - TopicsExpress


Todays theme is Asshats. What are they you ask? They are the manipulative cheating types, or the superficial ones who care for you based on your looks or bank balance! They can be male or female. They always seem to make you feel that YOU are not enough or the cause of all the problems. Something you must know about Asshats is that in reality they are damaged people deep down and damaged people do damage. And its not about you!! The only way of protecting yourself and preserving your self esteem when you are with these types of people is to come to know in your very bones that you are lovable enough, beautiful enough, talented enough, worthy enough to be treated with respect. I offer you Exhibit A: Halle. Berry. Halle Berry is one of the most beautiful, talented women in the world. Yet again and again she has ended up with cheating Asshats (Fingers crossed that Olivier Martinez isnt another one). And they didnt cheat on Halle Berry because she wasnt enough, they cheated because they were cheaters. People who lie, cheat and emotionally abuse you arent doing it because youre not worthy. Chances are theyve behaved the same way with partners that came before you and will continue this behavior with partners who arrive after you!! You need to see things for what they are and do not let these types of people into your life. They cannot hurt you unless you let them in! And do not be fooled into thinking they can be saved by live. They can only change if they choose to. Often they are gaining too much by staying in this pattern to ever do so. Your job is not to fix them or expect them to change. Your job is simply to acknowledge they are not right for you and lovingly and willingly let them go.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 22:12:57 +0000

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