Today’s Help Desk: Income and Work aren’t synonymous nd - TopicsExpress


Today’s Help Desk: Income and Work aren’t synonymous nd don’t lead to Wealth! The vast majority of Americans income is, and hope for it is tied to the expenditure or trading of time for money. Matter of fact economist reports regarding the unemployment rate is often the gage of hope for many on the “Work to Wealth” paradigm. They have a belief that often founded on religious teachings and saying i.e., “If you don’t work you don’t eat”, therefore conditioning you to look for work to eat. Or where we can put time in or trade our time and effort for compensations. Well this is a broken system. The rich are getting richer because they understand the necessity to run a prosperity consciousness over the poverty consciousness the 95 plus percentage of Americans operate under. Hate to say, it but just the giving of a tithe (which is a spiritual law of prosperity) will not move you to a prosperity consciousness! We put our children on the educational path not for expansion of understanding or consistent with their Authentic Design, but because we are stressing education to equip them to get a good job or own a business, that turns out to be just as laborious. It’s sad the number of people who are so out of sync with their design and call in life based solely on being on the “Work Paradigm” a paradigm that equates hard work or just work to wealth accumulation. Well, this is due to a lack of understanding regarding one aspect of the Universal Law of Circulation. The law of Circulation is simply “Give and it Shall be given” “What you sow you reap” “The Law(Lord) loves a cheerful giver” these are just a few of the many scripture we have rehearsed and committed to memory but never got intimate with them and taken them to heart. It’s not until head knowledge is digested in the heart and emotion added to it that it produces a “knowing” which is a word that in the bible implies intimacy with the intent of producing something. If you desire to increase you income, you have increase you outgo! Outgo is defined as that which you give freely and from the heart. It is not a fee for service and if you have given to receive then therein is your compensation. When I gift my service, my reward is always far greater than when I charge. The fee that I charge is my immediate compensations. So in my practice I make it a principle to gift 10% of my predefined service hours to those whom I feel led to do so with. Strangely enough it’s not always the person who says or appears not to be able to afford my services. This practice has allowed my business to always “have business”. Farmers particularly understand that by faith/believing they sow/give up a seed to the earth and they don’t get one seed back but they get 30/60/100 fold depending on the capacity of the seeds DNA and the farmers diligence in sowing into the right soil and then cultivating the soil to keep the weeds and foreign matter out that will affect his crop. Likewise, our minds are fertile soil that has to be cultivated and policed, keeping incorrect thoughts/seed from growing up in our mind/fields and choking out the good seed. It so important that as you go into 2015 you work your mental field, or “mine” your own mental business. Don’t allow the reports and projections of unemployment rates to cause you to waiver. They really don’t make difference when you understand the laws of Prosperity (abundance, wealth and plenty). The challenge is coming off the world system which thrives off of advancing the Poverty conversation, thereby causing a sense of hopelessness, competition and lawlessness amongst those on this particular matrix. Get onto a new system the Prosperity Consciousness System of the Kingdom. Gregory A. Stanton, MA, MFC is the Senior Thought Leader for Catalyst Center for Personal Transformation and the Owner of Catalyst Christian Coaching, Counseling and Consulting, LCC. He is a certified Transformational Life Coach. To join the list visitor.r20.constantcontact/d.jsp?llr=aolr9edab&p=oi&m=1102894902720&sit=vqdw7rweb&f=de00e377-e65a-4d69-a8fa-7b7c4a2c32fc
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 17:14:12 +0000

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