Tomorrow is a big day for the Marozzi’s. This time last year, - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow is a big day for the Marozzi’s. This time last year, the course of our daughter’s life changed. Tomorrow marks one year since our sweet Caroline’s surgery for Craniosynostosis and the day that completely changed her life, and ours. I remember every single detail about that day; from everything I ate down to what everyone in my family was wearing (for yalls sake, I won’t get into all those details.) But it’s a day I will always be thankful for, not only because it turned out the way we hoped, but because of how the whole thing shaped us. God was in everything, so very CLEARLY in everything. The whole process was mapped out so perfectly for us and we have no doubt His hand did that. Jarrod recently said it so perfectly—“If not for the great advice and care that we received at the exact time it was needed, Caroline would now be hindered developmentally, physically, and on her way to blindness.” What a great feeling it is so say she is completely healed. I am so thankful for the amazing gifts and abilities God gave the neurosurgeon, Dr. Collins, who we couldn’t love more. I am so thankful for the amazing people in our life that were our rock from start to finish—our family, friends, church family, coworkers, facebook friends—you all are so amazing. I remember the morning after her surgery, we were sitting in the window sill in Caroline’s hospital room with a couple friends, and there was this moment where I felt so completely overwhelmed with peace. It happened so fast. The weight of my anxiety and fear was gone in a split second, and I have felt that peace ever since. May 31st taught me a lot, and I will never get tired of talking about it because it changed us so much. It’s a day where I realized how big our God is, how much I love my husband, how amazing our friends and family are, and how insanely strong and awesome our sweet Caroline is. And I will spend the rest of my life making sure that girl knows what an amazing journey she is on. She’s going to move mountains.
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 19:43:36 +0000

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