Tomorrow should be an interesting day. Here is your Daily Tarot - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow should be an interesting day. Here is your Daily Tarot Reading for 08/16/2013 by John Ellison We continue with the Sacred Art Tarot for today. I think tomorrow I may change a little early and switch to my newly purchased deck. tarotgarden/boutique/onlinecatalog.php?view_title=Sacred+Art+Tarot&pageenter=0 BODY: STRENGTH You may be called upon to use your spirit to keep control of your physical self. There may be a point where you’re tempted to use physical strength in a situation where it may not be entirely appropriate. Don’t let someone get a rise out of you, don’t let them push your buttons – it may be exactly what they want. Keep your cool and stay in control. Other stresses and frustrations may bring about a physiological response – again, stay cool and let your spirit calm you and control your body’s responses. HEART: PRINCESS OF COINS Be open to new ideas. Your partner may have a plan for the evening, go with it and see where it leads. After the stresses of the day, something a little different, or trying a new place may be just what you need. If you’re single, maybe someone you hadn’t thought was interested, asks you out. Again, a new place or a creative plan can be fun and relaxing. MIND: 4 OF COINS – REVERSED You may need to be a little more generous in thought and forgiving of others today. The times seem to lead us into a lot of cynical thinking, you may be presented with an opportunity where you should be more forgiving. When you see the homeless person panhandling on the corner, maybe think “there, but for the grace of God, go I” instead of “oh, great, another drunk looking for a handout”. Your opportunity may not run in this exact direction, but being forgiving is generally better than cynicism and condemnation. To be sure, there are wrong-headed, even evil people around, but not everyone is.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 04:07:58 +0000

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