Tomorrow will be a very emotional day for me, because my Brother - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow will be a very emotional day for me, because my Brother arrives in Ibiza those that know will understand this is a huge moment weve not been together in a foreign country for 40 years, Ive done all I can to love & support my big brother through many sad moments in hes life (as I should hes my brother I love him unconditional) hes recently experience the most dramatic sadness no person should bare & hes not out of the woodwork yet, but he will recover & he WILL be a better human, we BOTH reached Spiritual Harmony this year & because of it we are Enlightened, so whys he in Ibiza, hes here because this time I cried for help (Ive never asked for help before) but I needed my Brother because someone tried to destroy my mind (again) with lies & cruel words that hurt so deep and Im not ashamed to admit I called my brother in bits uncontrollable tears of sadness that only my Brother wound understand, he knows how strong Ive been for my mum & my dad & indeed for him, but this was too much I am not strong enough this time because its me that needs hes healing arms around me & I know him healing me will heal him even faster, we wont be going to any clubs I will sit under the stars & talk & bond & I will feel the love only a man returning from the brink of madness can show hes brother & hopefully we can both find the Love Peace & Harmony we BOTH crave see you Tuesday Milky Milky Harris I love you dearly thank you for coming to me & hearing my cry for help, Mum will be around Im sure as she was that day on your kitchen floor Bruv when you cried out in pain & she bathed us in Love from another dimension
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 07:27:46 +0000

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