Tonight I wish to share with you a very fundamental spiritual - TopicsExpress


Tonight I wish to share with you a very fundamental spiritual insight that I hope will provide you with a confirmation that you have been chosen by God for a very specific assignment and that you season has come! First of all you need to truly understand that being chosen does not mean that your path in life will be easy. As matter of fact once you are chosen by God you path will be anything but easy because God wants to prepare you for your specific assignment. God uses your trials and tribulations to shape and mode you into the person you are destined to become. For example you can look at the life of Joseph, who was truly chosen by God and see the many hardships and abuses he had to suffer at the hands of his own brothers. Eventually Joseph was even sent to prison because Potiphar’s wife lied on him! But through it all God kept Joseph and as a result of his experiences Joseph grew in faith and stature! Joseph grew to understand that the same God who delivered Him from his brothers and from prisons was with him as he became the second in charge of all of Egypt! This is much the same way that David knew that God would help him to slay Goliath. David remembered that God helped him kill both a bear and a lion with his hands and that the same God would surely help him slay the giant! In your personal journey through this life it is important for you to gain wisdom and increased faith as a result of the setbacks that you experience. You also need to recognize that your calling in life is something that God decreed for you before the foundation of the earth and instilled in you at birth and it is not some desire that you developed overnight, If there is something that you have had a desire to do throughout your entire life then that is what God has called you to do! Sometimes the negative experiences your encounter in life make it seems that your lifelong dream has been denied but today I stopped by here to tell you that your calling might have been delayed until your were prepared to successfully undertake your God given assignment in this life but you were never denied! It is time for you to do what God called you to do. You need to accept the fact that many are called but few are chosen! You have been called and Chosen!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 03:46:36 +0000

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