Tonight has been one of those nights that scare the crud out of - TopicsExpress


Tonight has been one of those nights that scare the crud out of ya. I was helping Alex finish his homework around 7:30-ish, with the weather on the tv. The lights started flickering, so I took Serenas car seat and put it in our bedroom closet, and made a pallet. No sooner did I get back to the couch, the lights went out. Wind started whistling, lighting flashing everywhere and it sounded so rough There was no tornado siren at all. I grabbed the kids in almost a pitch black house and ran them into the bedroom to put them in the closet. I put Serena in her car seat in record time. All three were scared and crying and definitely freaked out from all the noises. It took a few minutes but finally it got quite a bit quieter. I found our weather radio once it all died down, and when I heard it was all clear, moved the kids back into the dark living room. No sooner than I had got them moved, I saw headlights and my dad had bee-lined it over to my house to check and see if we were okay. He told us, Yall need to come to our house. That was a relieving moment! A tornado touched down just down the road (on the main road in Muscle Shoals) from where I live, and did a good bit of damage from what Ive heard and see to a few businesses. Luckily, no one was injured (at least from what Ive heard). There is also damage around in neighboring cities too. Our house, from what I know, is okay, the lights are still out over there from what a neighbor has said. Im just glad everyone is okay. I dont think Ive been that scared from a storm in my whole life.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 05:36:47 +0000

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