Tonight on What Life Took From Me.. episode 19 Preview of last - TopicsExpress


Tonight on What Life Took From Me.. episode 19 Preview of last episode, Corporal Alvarez found the calling card of the deceased steward and decided to impersonate him upon arrival at Almonte Manor. Refugio told his friend he was mad: The dead man was described as a widower with no children so surely he would not be able to manage this. Corporal Alvarez told him the deception is meant to be only long enough to enable him to liberate Montserrat. They proceeded to bury the unfortunate Mr. Olivares, as the smoke from a makeshift cremation would attract unwanted attention. Rosario brings Montserrat her breakfast and inquired why she was not outdoors enjoying the beautiful sunshine. Her Ladyship thanked her, but said she preferred to stay indoors. Josefina descended the stairs to greet Master Dimitrio, who professed much impatience at their encounter. He clutched her face in what the unfortunate young woman must have mistaken for a caress. She made a most forward comment regarding the pleasure of the taste of his lips, provoking a chaster kiss than she realized in her inexperience. Maid Maria was most overjoyed at breakfasting in the hall. Rosario watched her with much suspicion as she waxed in a what she regarded as appropriate expression of her glee at living with Lord Alejandro. Maria returns to inform Alejandro that a man awaited without who identified himself as the new steward. He inquired about Juventino and Maria reminded him that he was not on the estate at the moment. He asked that the new steward be admitted. Maria admitted the errant sailors. Corporal Alvarez identified himself as Mr Olivares and shook hands with Alejandro, whose expression showed a keen curiosity. Alejandro asked whether Sir Victor Hernandez had sent him; Corporal Alvarez replied in the confirmatory. He quickly indicated that the other man is his assistant, but not to worry of his remuneration; he would pay him. Refugio quickly introduced himself as Renato Garcia and shook Alejandro’s hand. He then produced the envelope of documents containing references and letters of recommendation. Alejandro is satisfied as to their quality, assured the false Mr Olivares that the work will be easy for a man of his experience, and he could enquire anything of Maria (whose late father previously held the position) or of Juventino, her uncle. José Luis then said that they would not be there long; as soon as he speaks to Montserrat they will leave.. The perverse Juventino chewed on a straw as Maria told him that the new steward has arrived. He did not quite believe her as could be anticipated, yet he did not betray the reason. Rosario entered, asking Montserrat why she was not out and about, as it was a beautiful day. Lady Montserrat indicated she preferred to remain in her chamber. She finally asked Rosario whether she was satisfied with her situation. She replied in the affirmative, saying that His Lordship treated her well. Lady Montserrat enquired as to his whereabouts. She was unsure. However, Lady Montserrat said she knew he was with Maria, saying that she would have been the perfect wife for him and he should have married her instead. Stay tuned only on Citizen TV.. @10:15pm..
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 08:15:52 +0000

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