Top 10 Reasons Why Cuddling Is Healthy In this article, we are - TopicsExpress


Top 10 Reasons Why Cuddling Is Healthy In this article, we are going to be focusing on the benefits of cuddling. Cuddling (or snuggling) is one of the most beautiful things to share with your significant other and it has a lot of pros most people don’t even know about. Keep reading to check them out. 1 Give Satisfaction To partners Doctors have proven that couples who cuddle and spend more time with each Other are more satisfied with their relationships than those who don’t. Making It exclusive and being this close to your partner just insures a better lifestyle. 2 Makes Sleep Better Cuddling reduces the level of Cortisol which is a stress releasing hormone and leads To better sleep. By releasing more Oxytosin and decreasing Cortisol release, couples End up being more happy and healthy in the long run as compared to the couples who Don’t cuddle. 3 Makes Morning Better After a cuddle-filled sleep, you will wake up happy and fresh and will spend a good Day ahead. Waking up in your partner’s arms is definitively the most soothing and Happy feeling in the world. 4 It Reduces Blood Pressure According to many therapists, cuddling reduces blood pressure by a huge amount. A stable blood pressure means lesser depression and lower the chances of Headaches and other big ailments. Cuddling is free, do it. 5 Reduces Stress and Depression Cuddling releases Oxytocin. It leads to lesser depression. Cuddle each other every day. The more you cuddle, the more Oxytocin is released which leads to better sleep and A better morning ahead. Cuddling, in general, helps you stay happy and healthy. 6 It helps You Make Up For Lost Time Couples these days tend to get busy with life and work. Use cuddling as a way of Letting each other know how your day has been and how life is in general. When You’re in the arms of your lover and you’re sharing away all the ups and downs of Your day with them, the level of comfort you get is bar none. 7 Makes Communication Better Cuddling also create a totally new form of intimate communication. According to a Famous therapist David Klow – “Cuddling is a way of saying, I know how you feel.” It adds a lot of new feelings in couples, telling each other they love each other Without saying a word. 8 It Reduces Craving Cuddling is said to relieve people of their cravings. Addictions and needs of smoking And other things also go away with cuddling. When addictions shift from smoking and Other habits to the habitual need of being in the arms of your better half, life gets so Much better. Cuddle more! 9 Its Important to Cuddle Studies have shown that long-term couples tend to cuddle on a regular basis. Couples with no intention of keeping it exclusive or go long-term don’t tend To cuddle as much. 10 Create Better Foreplay It has been proven that more marriages work out in which the couple cuddles more. The longer the foreplay, the better the relationship. Cuddling isn’t just an intimate Thing, it is also an exchange of trust and companionship. The couple tell each other They’re there for each other and will stay for long.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 03:45:48 +0000

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