Top 10 Tips for Transcribers: 1. Make sure that you can do - TopicsExpress


Top 10 Tips for Transcribers: 1. Make sure that you can do it! Before you launch into your first transcription project, check that you can do it first! This includes: * Being able to touch type * Being able to type quickly * Having the requisite technology You can have a look at this post to check you’re suited for the work, and this one about the technology to use. Transcription jobs often come in at short notice and have tight turnarounds, so it really pays to be prepared. 2. Make sure that your ergonomics are tip-top Transcription is the most demanding of my tasks. Typically, you’re pounding a keyboard for several hours at a time, typing as fast as you can while straining to hear the tape. Here are some of the things I have learned: * Use a proper keyboard with little legs, not a laptop keyboard, even if it’s propped up * Make sure that your chair is adjusted so that you can sit straight, looking slightly down at the screen, with your forearms sloping slightly down to your hands and your hands arched over the keys * Make sure that your feet are flat on the floor with comfortable bends to the knees; if not, put a box or footrest in front of your chair * Make sure that the cable on your headphones is long enough to reach your computer without you having to bend at all sideways or twist your head * Make sure that your headphones or earphones are comfortable Take regular breaks to stand up, stretch, give your ears a rest and refocus your eyes – once an hour at very least 3. Get software to manage your transcriptions Professional transcription software allows you to control the tape using function keys or even a pedal (like in the old days of audio typing) and will make you much quicker at doing the work. More information on software here - make sure you get used to it first! 4. Make sure that you understand what the client wants. You wouldnt believe how many choices are involved when it comes to providing transcriptions for clients. Here are just some of them: * Do they want you to type out exactly what the speakers say, take out the ums and uhs but retain the rest, polish up the sentences so they make grammatical sense, or make non-native English speakers sound like native English speakers? * If you are transcribing an interview, do they want you to include the full questions or just notes? * If the person who they are interviewing says that something is off the record, do they want you to stop typing, or take it down and mark it up as off the record? * Do they want you to include and mark pauses, and how? * How do they want you to mark unclear sections or words that you can’t understand but can type a phonetic version? * Do they want you to time-stamp the document (i.e insert 05:00, 10:00 etc. at the relevant points in the document), and how often, if at all? * How do they want you to differentiate between the speakers? (this could range from first initial, surname, in bold, with a colon to putting the questions in italics with no names) * Do they want US or UK spelling? Oxford -z- spellings or “British English” -s- spellings? * Do they have a special font or line spacing they wish you to use? * Do they have a template that they wish you to use? 5. If it is anything but a general text, ask for a list of terminology. (Of course, it helps if you know a bit about the topic to start with.) 6. Get to grips with Word’s auto complete function Auto complete can save you keystrokes and time by allowing you to type a few letters or a word fragment and have it expand into a word or phrase. Ive written an introduction to this topic with more detail on personalizing it, if you want to read up on this. 7. Monitor how long it takes you to do an hour or whatever, on average Once youve got into transcribing, monitor how long it takes you to transcribe an hour of tape, on average. This will help you to predict workflows and give your client an estimate of how long you will take to complete their work. Things to look for: & It’s a new client or project I always speed up as I get used to the client’s voices and terminology and the way the conversations go. * The sound quality is poor, leaving you to have to rewind and go over much more than usual * The job involves taking down every single word the speakers say and they have a lot of repeated words and / or talk very quickly * The speakers have heavy accents * There are more than two speakers and they are difficult to differentiate (that’s why I charge more for more than two speakers) NOTE: try to have a listen to the tape before you make any promises on timing, and always under-promise and over-deliver! 9. Be a perfectionist but not too much of a perfectionist It’s brilliant if you take great care over your transcription and try to make it all as good as you can. It’s not brilliant if you spend hours labouring over every tiny section of tape, trying to make everything out or frantically Googling for obscure titles of album tracks: 10. Ask for feedback Each time that I complete the first job for a new client, I ask them if there is anything that I could do differently that would help them to work with the text I produce. And if I don’t get any feedback at all from a corporate client (some of them only feed back when there is an error, which I find a bit challenging!), I will ask them for it. If you really didnt grasp a section of tape or fear you mis-heard an important term and it’s going to come up again, ask for feedback. And if the feedback is good AND the client says it’s okay to use it, pop it on your references page!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 01:07:26 +0000

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