Topic: Does God cares about my Dressing Part II Focus: Our body - TopicsExpress


Topic: Does God cares about my Dressing Part II Focus: Our body as Gods Temple Text: Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings. (Genesis 3:7). The disobedience of Adam and Eve to Gods only restrictive instruction of not touching or eating the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden (Genesis 3:3) is a very familiar story to us all. From our text, we can understand that the result of this sinful act of disobedience led to Adam and Eve gaining consciousness that; they were now naked before the Almighty God, and so they sewed fig leaves together as apron to cover themselves. A careful study of the scripture reveals according to New King James Version reveals that they were covered by the fig leaves they made as cloth but perhaps not so in the eyes of the Almighty God, the master of the universe. The Bible reveals that; Also for Adam and his wife the LORD God made tunics of skin, and clothed them. (Genesis 3:21). The question now is; if they were truly covered by the fig trees they provided as apron, why would God saw the need to cover them with coats of skin. We must understand that these coats of skin were seen as a better covering for them. Also does the coat of skin just appear over night? Does God keep providing for them; coats after coats? The answer is no; but the truth is God must have killed an animal, piled up the skin, sun or roasted it, to turn it to a coat. How He did provide it was a mystery but the truth is that an animal skin was made for a clothing for them and without killing an animal, you cannot pull out its skin; although nothing is impossible with the Almighty. In providing the animal skin coat; God once again showed His love and brought to mans consciousness that although you can provide every kind of cloth, yet its not all; I approve of. Friends! I strongly believe through the conviction of the Spirit that; it was not that one coat that God provided for Adam and Eve, that they lived with for the rest of their lives, neither do God keep bringing a change of raiment for them but God inspired them to provide the rest of the cloths of coats through the pattern of the animals. If there is any way Cain got the idea of killing his brother Abel, it must have been from the killing of these animals for the making of coats or for consumption purposes, so if the animal can be killed; he must have taught. Then man also could!. Friends: the emphasis of this message is that; we can choose what ever we wish to wear but God certainly wont approve of some. If we must present our body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God; then we must dress decently, because God wouldnt have seen the need to provide an animal skin to cover man, if the covering of the fig leaves are decent before His holy eyes. May the Almighty God; guide you in wisdom to honour Him in your body which is His Temple. The question is, does your dress pattern glorify God?
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 06:06:09 +0000

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