Touching the soul - Crystal treasured revelations The dim light - TopicsExpress


Touching the soul - Crystal treasured revelations The dim light of your question, Lost in the silent night. Touching the soul - The world hopes of finding, Magic, sweet, serene, Timid flame candles. Touching the soul - Breathing steppe wind, Knocking heart is faint, And the approach of dreams ... As outlined Moon quiet ... Frenzy hands - the words are superfluous. Love gives rise to the meaning of life - Touching the soul .. .... Learn to live freely and easily. In my dreams soar just high. Anger with envy drop away, Although sometimes it is not easy to do. How important it is to learn to love everyone, Themselves from evil thoughts to heal, Without hypocrisy joy to share, Sprouts greed in itself to get rid of. Soul hurts? The path to happiness is not found? Resentment is eating? You forgive the enemy! Dark green with envy? Leave a dream! Expect gratitude? Sam thanked! We are in a futile anger torture yourself. We are waiting for gratitude, as if loving, On a pedestal, making themselves, In his soul carrying a grudge. .... Everything in life happens for - different, Sometimes the blows of fate, Sometimes embrace in idle, Sometimes in trouble the soul. However, do not be sad, However, do not be sorry Let love life does not end, Soul is not necessary to grow old. Let there be minutes seconds Let the heart blooms with love, Inviting nights, moon Star goes out on the road. Let the world for you, smiling, Let the stars embrace you, Let the wings of the soul to straighten out, Let joy knows no end. So you want to doubt Faded, washed the soul, So you want to unrest Bloomed on the soul of love. That there was no memory Thrown Forgotten the pain to friends That was not in the house uninvited, Infidels and mean people. .... In our souls human There is one simple secret: As we go out and burn candles, Emitting a subtle light. Three Candles: Candle of Hope Faith and Love Candle Three fire saints or sinners illuminated from within Imperishable life, life is beautiful, But it happens in life so Somehow the candles are extinguished, Comes complete darkness Nothing about it is not visible, Scary, cold, and in it, In the darkness, so simple For enemies to take friends, For love to take treason Blindly trample flowers, And do not escape from This terrible darkness ... Do not worry, hysterically Do not cut a temper You just need to strike a match And again, the candle burns, And again warmed the soul, Again light around Again, a thin ray of light Illuminates the life circle ... ... My friend! Life under this sky Need to live flame Who would you in the world was not, Do not extinguish the fire of the soul ...
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 17:09:10 +0000

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