Trees are a living network of life sources, both for each other - TopicsExpress


Trees are a living network of life sources, both for each other and the rest of life within the world. They are able to communicate chemically, both from within the ground and outside of it. Sending intricate information and nutrients that other plant may need to survive. Plants operate as a network, working together to support and preserve each other. If you were wandering where the concept of Eywa in Avatar came from, it was from here, this is a real scientific breakthrough that proved tress posses the ability to think and function as a conscious life source. Their specific purpose and design being to protect and preserve life. In the movie Avatar they called it Vitraya Ramunong- the tree of souls, one of the scientists explained that the trees posses more connection than the human brain, its a network they download and upload information. That everything is connected; I think there is a great lesson that can be learned from this objective truth! The Tree of Souls (Navi name: Vitraya Ramunong) is a giant willow-like tree that is said to be the closest connection to Eywa on Pandora. As pointed out by Miles Quaritch, the tree is a point of extreme spiritual significance to the Navi, more so than any other point on Pandora. -Do you see the deep message embedded within this movie- These plants on earth, that are being destroyed by the consumptuous greed of civilisations, are the key and the direct source of connection we have to God. If they are gone our connection to God is gone. There is a saying from the ancients; that the Plant was God himself manifested on earth. To those who chose to see the truth, it was the divinely given means of entering heaven on earth, God had come down in the flesh to show the way to himself by himself.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 09:40:09 +0000

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