Tuesday 4th March saw the Vic Hotel rocking’ On arrival at - TopicsExpress


Tuesday 4th March saw the Vic Hotel rocking’ On arrival at our regular tuesday venue around 7:30pm, I was surprised to see a local band (and cheerful supporters), also caught up in the great Hindenburg celebrations doing Led Zeppelin covers from the stage in the front bar area. As our riders arrived and tethered their bikes, they headed straight for the dance floor to join in and wind down. Thankfully, Gun Barmaid Nora had put aside a table for 10 in the back bar area where athletes retired after wearing themselves out on the dance floor. Dinner was as always well received although I feel that the veg/vegan option might be slowly shrinking. Time will tell. Having said that, the Warm Lamb Salad and the Fat German Sausages seemed to slide down pretty well. We did however make our way out to the beer garden, commandeered a large table and chilled out in the warm balmy evening. The riders were waxing lyrical about the warm tail wind that propelled them into Brunswick in close to record time. As we felt the breeze freshening up in the late evening riders offered prayers for the wind to swing around and help them home. After dinner we sat around the table in a circle, held hands and without feelings of self consciousness, sang “Stairway to Heaven”. Many others in the beer garden joined in. We can now put the highly inflammable balloon to rest for another year. In passing I should mention that Hank and Lyn keen for some hijinks purchased 2 large sausage shaped balloons and attached them to their bikes prior to the ride which sadly ignited when filling them with the hydrogen (emulating the original Hindenburg). If anyone is passing the Royal Melbourne Hospital, they should stick their head into the burns unit and give them a big HELLO from us all. On a more sombre note - Driving in along Sydney Rd, I came upon an unfolding accident at about the same time as a host of emergency vehicles. It appeared that a taxi van had hit a pedestrian as she crossed toward the footpath. Stripped of dignity she lay on her back while family stood around her in considerable distress, ambos began administering to her. It didn’t looked good but I hoped for the best. Driving home, I expected the scene to have been cleared up. As I approached, the area was blocked off by police cars and the traffic diverted down Bakers Rd. Police tape was everywhere Reports in the Age suggest that she suffered serious injuries. Riders experienced considerable difficulty crossing Bakers Rd from the path as all traffic was diverted west at this point.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 23:16:51 +0000

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