Tuesday August 12, 2014 Free daily mini reading, Messages - TopicsExpress


Tuesday August 12, 2014 Free daily mini reading, Messages Revealed. Thank you everyone for participating in todays messages. I am pleased that the messages are reaching those who need to hear them I am in awe of todays messages as both cards are different decks and carry similar messages!!! Card 1- Compass- feeling a bit lost at the moment, not sure which direction to take or even if there is a direction. This is because you are not aligned with your desires, this is unfamiliar territory for you and of course you will feel like your not on the right track, but in reality you are, you just have to believe in yourself. Go within and give yourself strength and courage to forge this new exciting adventure. Let go of the fears you have that are holding you back, dont hesitate because you cant see in front of you, as long as you put all of you into what you want then it will come easily and readily. You must listen to your inner guidance as well as the guidance all around you. It isnt just about the direction your going, it is also about how you bring yourself with you. You only feel lost because you are leaving parts of you behind. Point your compass always to your true self, and your direction will be clear. Card 2- Angel Message From Francesca- all that you want can be yours, keep your thoughts and feelings on a positive level vibration. You may face some obstacles, but allow it to be a positive lesson rather than a negative. You cant see the step in front of you because you are afraid to make a choice. What do you want? Have you truly looked at everything and made a choice based upon your desires and not someone elses. You seek guidance and you have received messages, but its up to you to move forward. Take time to understand yourself, look at all aspects of who you are and then see what it is you choose. You have to want the desire completely, not just bits and pieces. You create your reality, so keep in mind how you have been thinking and feeling. Are you in a positive place to make a choice? Or are you allowing yourself to choose from a negative stand point? If you allow a negative to take hold, you can never achieve your desire. Be positive, and it will flow easily to you.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 23:20:06 +0000

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