Tuesday August 5th 2014 Canada, chasm road - HWY 97, Chasm - TopicsExpress


Tuesday August 5th 2014 Canada, chasm road - HWY 97, Chasm provincial park - 100 mile House (name of a town, not a solitary house 100 miles from anywhere) Distance 53.88KM/ 33.46Miles connect.garmin/activity/559779999 connect.garmin/activity/559777728 The pick up that drove by me last night (just as I reached Chasm Provincial Park - the beauty spot/picnic area where I camped) , reversed into the entrance this morning as I was packing my food out of the bins (yes hid food,even my toothpaste anything which a bear might smell and think equals food in the bottom of the special bear proof bins they have out here) back into the stroller. They didnt live far away and wanted to offer me breakfast and a shower, I declined the shower (theres little point at the start of a days running sweating hours in the sun, its after the run you want to wash!) but some fresh coffee sounded just the ticket. Steph, is a German girl who married a Canadian guy, her mother was here just for the week visiting. I ate my fill and drank plenty of coffee while we chatted for well over an hour about bears, mosquitoes, arnica, gut bacteria - and associated health problems, water quality, types of sugars, evidence that humans are primarily meat eaters, problems with customs officials dogs and horses! Their youngest dog a 6month old New Zealand hunting dog was incredibly happy to see me, by the time hed finished licking my legs I didnt need a shower anyhow. The horses on the yard were also young and not used to seeing strangers, they were even more excited when I ran junto the yard and first of all darted off, then ran with me! Theyre pretty daft horses though, on the way out I split one of my apples that Mike (hilltop fruit stand couple days back) had given me, to share with the horses, they both sniffed at it then began chewing on the grass instead, I always knew horses were daft, theyd rather chew 10 square foot of grass than eat the same calories from an apple! Running felt easy this morning but as the afternoon progressed I really found I was having to put in more effort than normal and only to maintain a noticeably slower pace, then at one point my left leg began involuntarily shaking/muscle spasms, to was as if Id bonked or hit the wall but Id definitely had enough food that morning to not be in that state, I think it a mixture of low sugars from eating less in general and electrolyte imbalance from the severe heat the last few days. At mile 28 there was 94 mile motel where I considered quitting the days run, as I really was having to drag myself along. But I felt immediately happier with myself once I was a few hundred yards past the motel and heading towards 100 mile house the town a few miles further down the road. As I arrived in 100 mile, Mike who runs the local coffee shop one another pulled up alongside me and asked whats the story? He then went back in his store and grabbed cookies and muffins to help fuel me up. Im staying at 100 mile motel & RV park, camping out the back, I definitely needed a shower by the end of the day, Ive included a photo to show you the state of my legs following 2 days of running in the dry/dusty roads of BC. It looks like it might rain tonight so for the first time while camping in Canada Im putting the fly over my tent, other nights its been far too hot to consider this, but its pleasantly mild this evening, which hopefully equates to a decent sleep and less heavy legs tomorrow. I forgot to mention that Chasm provincial park is less than a stones throw from a train line, around midnight then at 3.30 in the morning trains came through blasting their horns incredibly loudly (Steph explained the wild sheep stand on the train lines!) and for some reason a motorbike tourer turned up at 2.50am to set up his camp, what a weird time for a motorist to plan on arriving? Grant and Jeannettes son owns the 100 mile motel, theyre here looking after it for a few days while he takes a break. They shouted me the nights camping and also made a donation toward the charities. Very much appreciated, thank you.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 17:05:14 +0000

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