Tuesday, June 11, 2013 Masculine/Feminine Polarity --- God Is The - TopicsExpress


Tuesday, June 11, 2013 Masculine/Feminine Polarity --- God Is The Father & God Is The Mother – Can’t Have One Without The Other Hi Did you know, that esoteric spirituality teaches, that the perfect polarity balance for a man, is to be 60% masculine and 40% feminine? And for a women it is to be 60% feminine and 40% masculine. And if a male is being more then 60% masculine, then he can be over-bearing and domineering. And if a female is being more then 60% feminine, she can be too passive and too subservient. So to have great balance in your life being a guy or being a gal, it is to have that perfect masculine/feminine polarity balance. Did you also know, that esoteric spirituality teaches that God is the Father and God is the Mother, you can’t have one, without the other? ‘Till the Romans decided not have it in the bible and make God only the masculine. God is the Father in being the out-breath… and God is the Mother in being the in-breath. Like the wave of the ocean going out and the wave coming back in. Life is perpetual movement, God is continual movement of growth. The feminine aspect of God is called the Omega, and the masculine aspect of God is called the Alpha. The Romans wanted to make women inferior to men. And women in history time were severely abused. We were considered not equal to a man. That we were beneath and below a man. That we were what a man owned. We had no rights whatsoever back in history times. We were property to own, and nothing else. The Romans tried to teach that God was only the masculine aspect. But you can see in LIFE that it’s movement, and that LIFE is not STAND STILL in only having the out-breath without the in-breath. God is not just the expanding force, God is also the contracting force. The masculine is the expanding force and the feminine is the contracting force. And God the Father and God the Mother are not separate but ONE. As we are not separate from God either of being children of God. We are all ONE. And being given this incredible GIFT of FREEWILL in our life by God, we can live an illusion that we are separate from God, to experience this, if that’s what we want to experience. And many humans wish to experience that as they do believe they are separate from God. Which is impossible. But, God gives you the illusion that you are separate from God if that’s what you want to experience. But it is not true reality. So this is what and who God is. Both the masculine and the feminine aspect. And thus you see men and women being offsprings of God the Father and God the Mother who are ONE and we are ONE with God. And thus you see a female being created as 60% feminine and 40% masculine -- and the male being 60% masculine and 40% feminine. In taking after our God, who created us to be like Him/Her. So you can see what happened to ‘women’, of the Romans deciding to edit spiritual esoteric teachings and omit the feminine aspect from God. Women were then thought of as not equal to men. And women were abused greatly because of it. Even in the Roman day, history times, a women was to lower her eyes to a man. Women were literally slaves back in history times. A women was owned. So, we have come a long way now. * It is even said too.. that the fall of the Romans was because of this ‘unbalance’ of making God only the masculine aspect. And the ones who defeated the Romans were ones’ who were not as out of balance as the Romans and did honour women as intelligent beings, as men are intelligent beings as well. So this unbalance was a lack of strength and they were defeated. Because.. that’s not who God is. God is the Father and God is the Mother and you can’t have one – without the other. That is the strength of God. Because to be truly STRONG in life, it’s to have ‘balance’. So the Romans lost their STRENGTH because they omitted the omega feminine aspect from God and tried to live their lives this way. In no longer being balanced as a people. So they lost their strength and finally were defeated. So it’s the same as say… a man. He may feel that to be a very STRONG man, is to maybe be 100% masculine -- instead of 60% masculine and 40% feminine, in how God created man to be. But, this is not so at all. All he will really become is overbearing and domineering - which will actually weaken him as a man of being too out of balance in his life. To be a strong person, is to find ‘balance.’ And to Be – who God created you to BE. Which is a Spirit Being and not necessarily a human being. Your true BEING is a spirit Being. Because… as Einstein taught… everything is energy. Spirit just means; energy, ‘light’. So matter is not really real… such as this flesh human body of ours. Just slowed down energy vibration frequencies is all it is. But, even Christianity today… still teaches that God is just the Alpha, the Masculine of being the Father - but not the Omega the Feminine of God, of also being the Mother. Even spirituality in India of the East teach that God is the Father and God is the Mother. So you can see how the Romans really corrupted true spiritual esoteric teachings by removing this from the bible of who GOD really is. And what it did to our society because of it. What it did to women. It brought women down -- of people believing that women are not as good as men. Which is ridiculous of course. Women and men are completely equal in that no one is ever better then anyone in life ever. As there is no superiority and inferiority in God. No such thing. As I said; God is the Father, God is the Mother. Neither is better then the other but equal in both being great in it’s own self. So… that did change our world considerably so, of how women were treated, by the Romans choosing to omit the Omega aspect from God, from true spiritual teachings. …..To make yourself superior… that then has to make another inferior. Right? So… who wants to play the inferior role so another can ‘feel’ superior? Not Me! Find someone else! A lot of times, a person feels a ‘need’ to wish to live this illusion of being superior to others, because… they lack true self esteem. True self worth as a human being. So… what they do, is live off a false sense of self worth. By… putting you DOWN, that makes them feel UP in life. That they are now a somebody in you having to then play this role as a nobody. And that gives them a false sense of worth. That they are somebody now. Instead of finding true worth in your life, by gaining true self esteem of true self worth. By… LOVING YOURSELF. When you truly love yourself for who you are, of the unique individual that you are, then there is no need to have to put another DOWN in order for you to feel UP in life. You already know you are someone very special, because you are a child of God. God is very intelligent and thus his offsprings are created as very intelligent beings. So that alone, gives you a reason to live with high self esteem of self worth. Now if a person isn’t aware of who their true identity is… then yes, they could have self esteem issues that needs working on. They may believe their true identity is a Human Being instead of the Spirit Being they are. Believing they are not more then just flesh and bones. They are a Spirit. Or.. you can call it ‘energy’, a ‘light’ Being - is who We are. As Einstein taught that everything is energy. Even matter is not matter, it is energy. Slowed down energy vibration frequencies - but energy never-the-less. So, we are ENERGY. And our physical bodies…. are just slowed down energy vibration which is then called ‘matter’. Which I always love to say... “what the matter with matter is”…. slowed down energy vibrations. Our true self is higher energy vibration frequencies. The physical body is just our vehicle to travel around earth with. Albert Einstein taught the theory of relativity of E=MC2. Which is energy equals the mass times the square of the speed of light. And I guess the speed of light is 300,000,000 meters per second. So I think it’s incredible how Einstein changed science of what it was. That they actually use to teach that matter is matter, and energy is energy. And then along comes Einstein to teach that matter is not matter at all. Matter is energy. So we then can really grasp what matter is. It’s just slowed down energy vibration frequencies. And we know that God creates with light which is ‘energy’. So God takes energy and slows down it’s vibration frequencies tremendously to then create ‘matter’ with it. And that’s what matter is. And even quantum physics teach this as well. So your true being is a Spirit Being which ‘Spirit’ just means energy, and this is a very high energy vibration. And then physical matter is just a very low energy vibration. So… everything is indeed just ENERGY. Matter is not really real - but more of an illusion that seems real when it’s truly just energy… slowed down. So… we are all actually just this little *Light* shining. That is who we are. And this little light is an offspring of God. God is Light. Making us a child of God. A child of light. And the light is ‘energy’. Little energy light Beings are who we are. And God is this huge energy light Being. :^) In talking about self esteem though.. the way that most human beings on planet earth lose their self esteem is through ‘abuse’ - that is so great here on Earth. You see… what happens in abuse is this: One person gets abused, so they have what is called; their ‘POWER’ stolen from them. So what happens now, this person lives without feeling empowered in their life. So, what usually happens of the chain of abuse… is this person now steals another person’s POWER - to now feel empowered in their life again. And that’s the cycle of abuse that is like a huge ripple effect going out in the world. The way to stop this cycle of abuse, is through what is called; ‘therapy’. Because therapy teaches how to take your POWER back without having to steal it from another, in abusing them. It gives you the tools needed in how to Master this. Or, you can also buy therapy books too, to learn how this is done. So, unless a person is living ‘Aware’ in their life, in not sleeping, in not living in denial that they were abused, then usually… the cycle of abuse continues. And then they unknowingly abuse another. Now if a person chooses to wakes up in their life, they will then see they were abused, in not wishing to live in denial, and they will get help. And learn a different way to take their POWER back instead of stealing it from someone else. So that is the common way that most humans can have low self esteem or even very low, if they are really being abused or have been very abused. And then there is also something called subtle abuse… that goes unnoticed, undetected… and that’s bad, because then a person doesn’t realize they were even abused… and never gets help. So they live with low self esteem. Now another problem with low self esteem is that depression can most often come from it. So most of the time, low self esteem and low self worth comes from abuse on planet earth. And even subtle abuse that most aren’t even aware of it happening. It can be as subtle as say…. making a derogatory comment about someone in putting it in a joke, and now saying; “It’s just a joke! It’s funny!” But the thing is, if it is stripping a person’s self esteem, then it’s not really a joke, is it? Meaning; then it’s not funny, is it? And there were actually so many people interviewed about this, of having very derogatory put-down remarks made about them in a joke, and how it made them feel. And they said it made them feel so bad. Some it made them depressed. Because… it stripped the person of self esteem. I know that a lot of people can do this…. unaware that it can strip a person’s self esteem in making them feel bad. A joke is a joke, when it makes everyone laugh. But it’s no longer a joke, when it isn’t funny to the one the joke is being made about. So that is just an example of what can be called subtle abuse. It’s if you don’t feel good about what someone says to you or does to you, then it can be abuse. Most the time, abusers don’t even know they are abusing. It’s passed down by our Forefathers. So a lot of times… we just continue the cycle of what our forefathers taught us - we teach our children, and others…. Anyways, I just thought I’d mention that, in case someone may read this and it may help them. Because… a lot of times people are suffering from real self esteem issues and even depression from it, and not even know why they are depressed. And not knowing there can be an easy solution to get rid of the depression which is by getting rid of the abuse. If anyone is putting you down, or doing something or saying something to you and it doesn’t make you feel good, then it could be considered abuse. And you do as therapy teaches; you draw boundary lines for yourself, in not letting abuse enter your life. But a lot of times, that is passed down to us through the family as being ‘normal’. And it’s not. It’s abuse. If it makes you feel bad, it’s abuse. And go get help in seeing a therapist. Or… start out even by buying therapy books in how to take your POWER back in getting back your self esteem. Because a lot of abuse can cause depression and even severe depression. And when the abuse is gone, in you no longer allowing abusive conduct in your life, then the depression can also completely leave you. It’s because people need self esteem and self dignity in order to live being a happy person. So if you feel you don’t have good self esteem… then try to find out why. I believe in life… there is always an answer for everything. And to just ask God… to help you find the answer. And God can help you find it by you using your inner guidance called your intuition or your inner voice. To follow that leading that comes from WITHIN. I believe… you should always be putting people UP, and never down, ever. There is never any reason for it. We should all be trying to help each other in life in making one another feel good, not bad. And the way to do so… is to always be uplifting to one another. And if a person isn’t… then stay away from them… if it’s possible. Or, create your boundaries. Or just speak out and tell them how you feel. That what they say or do causes you to feel bad. But it is said that no human being can take abuse where it doesn’t affect you. Because negative energy will affect all of us. And if the negative energy is great, then you need to rid your self of it - in order to feel good. Life is all about being positive. That’s what God is. Positive energy vibrations are high energy vibration frequencies. Feeling bad or if a person has depression, that then is low energy vibration frequencies. As.. everything is energy, as Einstein taught. If you want to feel very happy and full of joy and peace, then stay living in positive energy vibrations which are high energy vibration frequencies. And try to stay away from negative energy vibrations if you can. To have a positive state of mind. To be happy… and knowing God loves you is a good way to always stay up. And… to learn to Love YourSELF as that ‘SELF’ is one with God and is God. We are all individual beings of God who are all ONE with God. So we are all a piece of God… this amazing intelligent God we are ONE with. Just don’t live in your ego, live in your Higher Self which is your true intelligent self. Which is ONE with God. And which is the way to experience great joy in your life 24/7. And also that… each and every human being comes to earth with what is called a DIVINE PLAN … to finish. We have a purpose for why we have embodied earth. There is not one human being here that did not come to earth for a real specific reason/PURPOSE. There is a reason you are here and there is something that you were to accomplish. Now you can start the steps of how to raise your consciousness level higher in order to find out more in what that is. And the beginning process anyways… is as I wrote before: 1.) Identifying your ego. 2.) Separating yourself from your ego. 3.) And then having your ego die on a daily basis. And this you can find at Jesus’ *AMAZING* website at askrealjesus. In finding the FULL teachings on EGO to acquire great JOY - 24/7 - in your life by having your ego die on a daily basis. As was taught by Paul; “… I die daily” (1Corinthians 15:31). Which Paul was referring to his carnal mind, the flesh, which is ‘Ego’. And then knowing true joy living within you; “Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:” (1Peter 1:8). ~* Because… what this does, is have you now throw your ego in the back seat, sort of speak… in how I always like to describe it… and lets your Higher Self out of it’s prison, that the ego was keeping it in, to now do the driving, instead of your ego. So it’s to now live through your true self which is your Higher Self. And to throw your false sense of identity the EGO in the back seat and to also tell it to SHUT UP! And when you do this… then you can start to realize why you really are here. Why God put you down here on this Planet and what your true purpose for being here is. For some… they have a divine plan to have so many children who they were willing to bring into the world. To some it may not to have any children and a different mission for them altogether to accomplish, which is their divine plan. But there is a specific reason we are here. A purpose for our lives, in other words. Each person has a specific purpose for being here. And if you aren’t here… it will affect others in a very bad way. Because… we can all need one another… in this way. As we are all finishing our divine plans together. And each of us can play a key role in that. And whey we embody with the people, families, friends that we do. It’s for a very good reason. We are here to help one another too, to finish our divine plan we came to do. And mostly too of course… it’s for your spiritual growth, is what earth was the platform in being designed for. It’s to give you the experience of either wishing to ascend in raising your consciousness level higher, or descend in consciousness of us all having the gift of freewill. And I wrote before that there are 144 levels of consciousness on planet earth, and that we embody at the 48th level as co-creators with God. But, I did not mention that at the 96th level, is where you will see the Christ light. That is the level of reaching Christ Consciousness that Jesus attained. In becoming the ‘Christ’. That you too can attain and do miracles. Even though…. You can still ‘experience’ miracles in not yet being at the 96th level of consciousness yet. So… in this life, it’s about finding what your divine plan is. But, it’s not necessarily trying to find out what specifically it is. But.. it’s more so a process of letting your inner guidance guide you. And I already stated what is the first steps in doing this, and that was identifying your ego, and having it die daily. And each human being comes with what is called an inner voice. It’s also called your intuition. It is what guides you and directs in your life to finish your divine plan. Or it’s called the voice of God. Or the guidance of God. So, when you learn to start to identify your ego, and then to separate yourself from it, and then let it die daily… then your higher self is let out of it’s prison -- to now live your life through You -- which is your true sense of identity. Your ego never was. But, your ego may have been ruling your life instead of your Higher Self. Your ego was trying to guide you in life, instead of your Higher Self that is one with God and the ego can never be one with God. The ego also doesn’t have a clue what ‘love’ is. So it’s then to live through your Higher Self now, your true self, your true sense of identity in who you really are. And when doing so.. then your Higher Self will guide you in life. In choosing to live one day at a time. As Eckhart Tolle wrote in his wonderful book, to live in the NOW. Meaning; ‘today’, of just one day at a time. Not to think of tomorrow or yesterday. And we do have what is called the Holy Spirit, that is the spirit of God, or you can call it the energy of God, that wishes to direct you in life. It’s the same as your inner voice, your intuition as they are all ONE in all being of God. So that is pretty much the process in how to live one’s life in wishing to live in what is called the ‘river of life’ of what God is and what LIFE is. God is LIFE. So it’s just to jump into the river of life that God is and let this river’s current take you. Or people call it; “let go and let God.” Humans were never suppose to live with such worries and struggle or suffering. We weren’t. But… if we are living through our ego perception and having our ego leading us in being in control of our lives…. then that can be what our lives can be in having the ego running the show for us. Whereas - if you start to choose to live more AWARE in your life, then you are going to start to want to throw your ego in the back seat (sort of speak) and let your Higher Self do all the driving now. Because… for the simple reason.. the EGO is an idiot. A moron. So that should be good reason in it’s self - to no longer allow the ego to do the to do the driving. Because everyone knows what will happen if you allow a moronic/imbecile lead your life for you. The ego is a MORON. It is. So that’s why it’s best to make that decision TODAY… to throw the EGO in the back seat - and NEVER EVER allow it to do any of the driving EVER again. …But to now let this incredibly, amazing INTELLIGENT *Higher Self* that YOU are, do all the driving now and the only one ever allowed to do the driving anymore. If Mr. Imbecile Ego tries to say anything, tell it to be quiet. So you see… Human Beings are incredibly intelligent Beings of their true sense of identity their ‘Higher Self’. It’s human beings… who think their ego is their true sense of identity, that may come off as seeming not very intelligent. If they allow their ego to do all the driving in life and not their Higher Self…. Well… they will be running over everyone in their way… won’t they? ;^) And seeming like a real idiot, which it is. So, it’s best to let your Higher Self do the driving and then see what a great and fabulous driver the Higher Self is and… doesn’t run anyone over ever. ….Anyways, maybe I should end this now. I wanted to mention a lot of things that I did here, so this is good. And also… maybe what I write… might help someone else out there who reads my facebook… in how it helped me greatly in my life, at one time, to learn about such things that I write about. A lot of times I will feel ‘lead’ to write. Or I call it being inspired. I feel lead when I am living through my Higher Self which is one and connected with God. And no longer choosing to live through my EGO - which is not one with God and does not get inspired. As our Higher Self is who we truly are. Our ego is not. And then I will feel ‘lead’ to express myself in a creative form such as with writing. Being creative, in whatever way it may be, doesn’t always have to be with writing, it can be other ways, for other people. Being Creative is who we are. We are created by God as very creative, and spontaneous Beings. And when we do choose to live our lives now through our Higher Self and no longer our Ego, then our Higher Self takes over and leads us and guides us in our life. We express ourselves through our Higher Self which is connected and one with God. And say… a person who is choosing to live through one’s ego, well… the ego is not connected and one with God. It is more or less… your false sense of identity. It’s not who you really are. The Ego is separate from God. It’s like what Shakespeare said; “To BE or not to BE”… this is the question. That is speaking about your Higher Self and your Ego. To ‘BE’ - of course is your true sense of Being your Higher Self that is one with God. And not to BE of course is your Ego, your lower self. So life can be about choosing to BE your True Self… or NOT to BE your true self - but your false self the EGO. If anyone would wish to learn more of what Jesus really taught of his true ministry, you can visit his very own *AMAZING* website ‘for our day and time’, at; askrealjesus, Take care! Lots of Love!!! Love, Denise. :^)
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 12:05:24 +0000

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