Tutorial Tuesday time again and this week is the Tiger bend push - TopicsExpress


Tutorial Tuesday time again and this week is the Tiger bend push up , a newly acquired skill for me so the progressions are very fresh Below is what has helped me to achieve the tiger bend push up. I hope you can take something from it that will help you with your training for it NB...The video that accompanies it shows everything below in the order that it is written Before attempting to master the tiger bend there are a few prerequisites to the move that you really should have in your locker as shown in the video. Without them, achieving the Tigerbend will be very difficult so please take time to learn the following first They are : •Solid handstand hold for around 15 seconds or more •Good level of tiger bend floor push-ups(elbows always in) to help you feel the throw that is required from forearm onto hands •A forearm stand for 15 seconds or more •The handstand push up Once you have these it is then a case of working the following tiger bend specific elements. I broke down each and every part of the whole Move to help me achieve it as follows: Forearm stand 15secs Begin on your forearms and kick your legs up as if going into a handstand and hold . Tense your lower back and bum and grip the floor tight to help you hold this posture . It will inevitably put your lower back in an arch position this is fine for this move as it will be required the further you progress so you need to get used to this feeling Flex your hamstrings to keep your weight shifted forwards with your feet towards your head and get used to this position Aim to increase your hold times until you are consistently achieving 15 second holds in this position The handstand drop to forearm stand In the handstand position, with complete control, lower into a head swooped forward deep handstand push up, tensing your lower back and core as you do so Once youve reached the bottom of the descent drop back onto your forearms gripping the floor as hard as you can and keeping that lower back and core tensed At the same time flex your hamstrings so your feet drop towards your head as before . This will help you keep your centre of balance shifted forward and keep your legs from dropping If your legs keeps dropping keep at it until you can tip your weight to the required position This will take time and Effort so Be patient with it Once achieved hold the forearm stand as before for as long as possible Handstand to chin stand Whether you train this before or after the handstand to forearm stand is a matter of choice . I trained them side by side during my training . I would do one evening session on one of the elements and the next night work the other In this move you want to get used to holding your body in a swooped Forward deep handstand push up Position Start in the handstand and swoop forwards as you lower with complete control keeping elbows in Once at the bottom with all your core braced hold this deep chin stand position. (Your chin should be near to the floor hence the name ). Hold for as long as you can aiming for a good 10-15 second hold . Do sets of these as said on different nights to other elements Forearm to chin stand . Here we concentrate on the transition from forearm stand into the chin stand we have been working on , this is one of the most difficult parts of the whole move Start on your forearms in the forearm hold, with your hamstrings flexed Start to edge your feet further over towards your head and as you feel the tipping point forwards, throw your elbows and shoulders up as high as you can to bring your elbows from the floor and into the chin stand whilst maintaining complete core and lower back tension . Be prepared for the Face plant fear to arise here. Get over this fear and be fully focused on getting into the chin stand This will take a lot of patience so be consistent with training it and eventually you should find that you can hold the chin Stand once you throw from your forearm stand Keep training this element until it becomes a natural move for you Once the above does become natural you can start dropping straight back on to your forearms from the chin stand and working this as a rep session back and forth back and forth forearm to chin stand and back to forearm stand . Make sure to get your breathing right now as this will help you in the future when you put it all together As you drop to forearms breathe out, as you throw to chin stand breathe out, Breathe in to forearm stand, breathe out to chin stand and so on and so forth Chin stand back to handstand I trained this as shown in the video by starting in a forearm stand and pushing off with my feet into the chin stand and pushing up to handstand straight from there in one flowing move . This can also be used in the previous exercise to get that feeling of coming off your forearms with a little assistance .. It was also a way of me getting used to feeling where my arms and shoulders needed to be in terms of getting myself back to the handstand . (It took me a while to build the required strength to be able to push up from the deep chin stand position you find yourself in after the throw from your forearms Which is why its important to get a good high as possible elbow and shoulder position when you throw into your hands to make the push a little easier ) As you get used to it, eliminate the push with your feet more and more start on your forearms and throw yourself into the chin stand and push yourself back up to handstand Again this takes a lot of practice and effort so be patient Only when the above elements have been trained with consistency and you are at a level where you are confident in all of the segments of the move can you then start to put the whole thing together Another important factor for me was to get my breathing right when Performing the move •As you descend to chin stand breathe in. •As you drop back to forearm stand, breathe out •As you throw to chin stand breathe in •Lastly as you begin the push up Back to handstand, control your exhale When you can achieve the whole move, congratulations, youve achieved a monster of a Streetworkout flow routine on your hands . Dont forget to tag us here at the Barmob if we have helped in anyway Hope you like the tutorial and can take something from it to help you on your quest for the tiger bend push up Leigh #jointhemob
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 19:51:03 +0000

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