Two-Minute-Tuesday Title : Who’s making the - TopicsExpress


Two-Minute-Tuesday Title : Who’s making the decision? “This” has happened to all of us who have been in sales. If “it” hasn’t happened to you yet … it will – unless you put into practice this week’s sales and marketing lesson. What am I talking about? Let me provide you with an example. For the sake of this illustration, let’s assume the lead is a “walk in”. (This scenario could also result from a web inquiry or a phone call.) A married couple walks into your building. They tell you the wife’s mother is in the hospital after having a hip replaced. They are being told she will be going to a rehab facility following her hospital stay and then the recommendation is for her to move into an Assisted Living Community. Wouldn’t you agree this is great lead? You sit down with the couple … show them your collateral materials, give them a tour, etc. (In future “TMT’s” … you’ll learn of the most effective way to handle this kind of lead.) They tell you they liked what they saw and what you have to say. They explain they are not feeling they must make a decision right now and will be looking at some other communities. You tell them you understand and will be in touch. The couple receives a Thank You from you within a couple of days as well as a follow-up every 3-4 days with either a phone call or an email. Each time you speak with them, the wife tells you she likes your community the best and she wants her mother to move into your place. She also tells you the rehab discharge date is just 10 days away. .. and then there nothing. No contact. She doesn’t return your calls or respond to your emails. Two weeks go by and you still haven’t heard back from this person who told you how much she liked your community and wanted her mother to move in. The next time you’re in the rehab facility, you ask the case manager “what happened?” That’s when you learn … the family picked another community. “But the daughter really liked my place and kept telling me she wanted her mother to move into our community.” How could that happen? The discharge planner tells you that there’s a son involved and the mother always listened him. Not only was “HE” going to be the one to make the decision, but the dynamics of the family are such that whatever input the daughter (the one you were speaking with) had, was going to be dismissed by the son. ACTION ITEM: A question to ask early in the sales process goes something like this: “Besides yourself, who else will be involved in making the decision of which community to move your mother in to?” You can also question the rehab case manager who has been their facility’s main contact. They may not share this information with you, siting HIPPA regulations … but if you don’t ask, you won’t be told. Without knowing all the key decisions makers, you are not making the best use of your resources.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 00:38:57 +0000

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