Two weeks ago I had a presentation made at the Shepherdsville - TopicsExpress


Two weeks ago I had a presentation made at the Shepherdsville Council meeting to upgrade several problem areas in our sewer system. At that meeting I stated to the members of the council that the city is in the position that they can pay cash for these two project. Therefore not adding anymore debt to the sewer department. Last night the council voted to move forward with the projects. I say all of that to lead into this. I have heard my two opponents in this election say they want to lower your sewer rates as well as lower the occupational tax. That is all fine and well, but my question to them and you is simple if you lower the sewer rates how will the city pay for projects that need to done? Will they simply borrow the money and add on to the almost 32 million of debt already on the sewer system? This can not happen we as residents of this community can not afford to have more debt on the city sewer budget. Which would increase sewer rates even higher then they are today. The City of Shepherdsville has several drainage issues they need to address one being a storm water interceptor that will run from West Bluelick Road through the Bullitt Lick Middle School/ Shepherdsville Elementary School property across Highway 44 to Salt River at a cost of 2.5 million dollars. Fortunately this is a cost shared program between the city and Army Corp of Engineers but the city will still have to pay for this project. I ask you would you rather the city have the ability to pay cash for this project or borrow the money and add debt to the city treasury? As most of you have already had to deal with the traffic issues so have I. We have a plan for an new bypass road on the east side of the city. We are currently working with the Commonwealth of Kentucky on this project which could be a 90/10 split 10% being paid by the city. This would be cost of around 5 million dollars paid out over 4 or 5 years. Would we want the city to go in debt or pay cash out right over these years? These are just a couple of reasons I am not going to make a campaign promise to lower your sewer rates and lower the occupational tax. It simply does not make sense to move our city backwards and put our city back in debt or further debt. Our goals in our private lives is to be debt free why shouldnt our city have the same goal??
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 13:10:43 +0000

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