Typhoon Yolanda hit on Nov 8, 2013. Below is a repost of a - TopicsExpress


Typhoon Yolanda hit on Nov 8, 2013. Below is a repost of a chronology of events made by Vincent Paul Caguitla in response to an open letter to CNN made by a retired Filipino executive and computer person which i find very informative: Vincent Paul Caguitla November 16, 2013 at 9:21 pm You made good points but maybe you should review the events that lead up to CNNs reports. But just in case everyone is too “busy” helping let me enumerate them to you. 1. Nov 10,Sunday – The president himself went to Tacloban along with some officials and should have already assessed the situation. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out how bad the situation is. In fact, he was even briefed by some people and was given suggestions in what he should prioritize. But instead of responding, he WALKED OUT and even took the oppurtunity to berrate a businessman who is simply requesting for the entire area to be placed under a martial law or even just a state of emergency. Mind you, this man was almost killed by the looters. 2. Nov 11, Monday – same reports, more casualties, etc. Still no concrete plan of action despite the growing numbers of international aid. 3. Nov 12, Tuesday – CNN’s Amanpour interviewed the president. And instead of providing solutions to mounting problems, the president shifted the blame to the local government units. When asked about his long term plans in case such disaster strikes again the president simply answered: “Let’s just hope it does not (happen again)”.. As if he can dictate nature’s will. 3. Nov 13, Wednesday – Anderson Cooper of CNN arrives in Tacloban initially thinking that he was already late since its already day 5 and he thinks everything was already settled. Well, he was wrong. There is very little support, not enough troops deployed to restore peace and order, even the clinic WITHIN the airport has ran out of medical and basic supplies. Now, can someone in this forum tell me what took the government up until yesterday morning to respond? How come the US marines were able to arrive much sooner? And why are you sending a letter to CNN? Why not send a letter to the government who is suppose to be taking charge of things and bearing most of the responsibilities? CNN is only there to report whatever is happening whether its good, bad or worst. They do not take excuses like most of us do. They will tell you straight in the face, what is happening on the ground even if it kills you. They are a media entity not a propaganda team so next time you criticize any entity start with finding out whatis the nature of the organization and what is their function. Its easy for us to hear the excuses of the government because we are not getting hungry, wear not fearing for the lives of our love ones. Try to be in that situation and I’m quite sure we will all be a different person
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 01:43:22 +0000

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