U P D A T E S from The GALACTIC FEDERATION of LIGHT Blessings! - TopicsExpress


U P D A T E S from The GALACTIC FEDERATION of LIGHT Blessings! LIGHT/LOVE WOKERS WE ARRIVED.... THE GOLDEN AGE IS HERE... just the Veil needs to fail... its about FREQUENCY... not about Time anymore... ALL IS there waiting for YOU my beloved ONe! YOU HAVE a UFO / LIGHT SHIP RIDE GUARANTEED!!! Your Donation is so Helpful at this time... I can not even explain You! ... my son is needing help, hes on the road traveling... anchoring the light on very challenging places... He needs help desperately for transportation, food and water. Thank you!!! sooo much for your HELP!!! YOU ARE AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW YOU are IN my INNER CIRCLE... Id make sure to Chat with You... or even SKYPE if you have time and the program its Free! Let me know my beloved friend! I am FOREVER GRATEFUL TO YOU!!! I AM ANOTHER YOU = NAMASTE OMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwah! I am Ashtar Rich Sheran @ your service! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! AshtarSheranRADIO.COM UPCOMING RADIO SHOW on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20th, 2014 @ blogtalkradio/…/lord-ashtar-sheran-radio-sho… LISTEN / Read at: DirectoryOfUSA ps. Check out the latest message from SaLuSa SaLuSa, 19 December 2014 We come to you for the last time this year, one that like others before it has sped by as time continues to flow faster than ever. Some of whom have experienced the ups and downs of life for a long time, are no doubt pleased particularly now that the end of this cycle is here. Naturally the end times are chaotic as the changes take place, but it is no easy task to bring them in when so much negativity is being cleared. However, the higher energies are bringing in the positive changes, and already they are being felt. As we have often advised you, the coming year will be notable for the implementation of many of them although we will be restricted in what we do, until the Illuminati are placed where they can no longer interfere with your progress. Much is happening that will lead to complete victory over the dark Ones, who will be unable to follow their plan for the imprisonment of Man. The coming of the City of Light, Sedona will open the way to more developments that will show beyond any doubt that the New Age has arrived. At a time yet to be defined, World Peace will be declared and maintained through the presence of the Galactic Federation. Through enforced governmental changes, more souls of the Light will take up positions of importance that will ensure they are seen through as intended and in no way impeded or denied. The End Times of this cycle are of utmost importance to your future, and we will ensure that they proceed in accordance with the wishes of God. Unlike previous cycles, this one will be fulfilled because you are ready for a great leap forward into the Light. There is only the One Creator of All That Is, and the One God of this Universe regardless of the different names by which they are known. Therefore you are One with All That Is and it is worth noting when you are challenged over your beliefs. Eventually all will understand and accept the truth of your origins, and it will be so wherever you travel in the higher dimensions of the Universe. Ahead of you there are numerous opportunities to seek as you desire, and explore the magnificence of life forms in abundance. On Earth you have led a very restricted life and other civilisations have not been allowed to interfere with the Greater Plan for your evolution. Of necessity you have however made limited contact with Extra-terrestrials and become familiar with seeing their craft in your skies. You will make full contact in the course of time, but much has to take place before it is possible. The interim period will be exciting for you as you rapidly move forward in your evolution. Now is the time for all Lightworkers and all souls to maintain their present level of evolution, and know that anyone may at any time take a giant leap forward. Know that all souls will eventually find their correct place in the Universe, that will enhance their plans to continue moving ever onwards. Naturally in the higher dimensions time does not exist as you now know it, and you will find everything is in the Now. These levels are not entirely strange to you as you came from them before you agreed to experience the lower vibrations. In other words you are all experiencing as you agreed to do so, but the long cycle in the lower dimensions is now coming to a close as the new one takes prominence. Most of you have led many, many lives at all different levels as part of your experiences in the lower vibrations. You have also experienced many different roles according to which ones offered you the best opportunities to evolve. Be assured you will have had grand lives of having all that you needed, but also experienced “lack” so that you kept a balance where your needs are concerned. Eventually your experiences will be finely balanced and you will not seek riches beyond your needs, but simply sufficient to meet your circumstances. In the higher dimensions the same challenges do not exist, as you will eventually have the power of thought to manifest exactly according to your needs, and more when necessary. The higher dimensions are your true home and a multitude of different experiences await you, according to your desires. Your task is to now be positive regardless of what happens around you, and help others through the coming period so that they may understand what is happening. Your presence can lift others up by bringing a calmness into their lives, so that they too can help. It will not be very long before it becomes apparent that changes are occurring that are beneficial to the whole. The most important of them will occur when the Press is able to report events accurately and truthfully, where previously they were controlled by the Illuminati and their minions. Television news is also unreliable but it too will change in a relatively short time. For many years you have been deliberately misled, and often fed absolute lies to enable the dark Ones to manipulate events that have affected your future. These situations will eventually cease to cause you problems and then you will enjoy a new found freedom. Full Message at: gofundme/WeAreALLONeMovie or Please HELP ME! HELP YOU! > Help my Son DONATE ANY LOVE Take my DECEMBER SPECIAL! 4 X 1 = 4 hours of Absolute HEALING + AWAKENING + CHAKRAS EXPLAINING/CLEARING/BALANCING for the Price of 1 = $99 or 1 for $33 &/or 4 Minutes of Radio AD for the cost of 1 = $99 or 1 for $33 &/or the 10 Hours Pre-Paid Class (1 Flexible Hour by Phone or Skype at your convenience) only $250 During DECEMBER 2014 > (Regular price $1,000) Order @ @ gofundme/WeRaLLONe WATCH our latest MOVIE then please donation at: gofundme/crave Sign Up to WIN an Free Hour of Absolute HEALING + AWAKENING for YOU + your LOVE ONE Go: IAMabsoluteHEALING.COM . https://facebook/events/842404092449779/?fref=ts
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 09:14:21 +0000

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