UASIN GISHU GOVERNOR, KUTTUNY OPPOSE APPOINTMENT OF A LUO AS VICE CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ELDORET After successful interviews where Prof Teresia Akeng’a beat other candidates to the vacant position of Vice Chancellor of The University of Eldoret (formerly Chepkoilel University College) Kalenjin local politics reared its ugly head. Uasin Gishu Governor Jackson Mandago and former Cherengany Mp Joshua Kuttuny caused a stir when they attempted to block the appointment of Prof Teresia claiming the university is ‘their own’. The local leaders are said to have been canvassing for Prof Sigot who is the Acting Vice Chancellor of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, MMUST. University of Eldoret is among the many constituent colleges of Moi University which former president Kibaki awarded charters to become autonomous and fully fledged higher education institutions. Since the charter award, the university has been under Prof Biamah who was initially the principal when it was still a constituent college. Elsewhere, in one of the ugliest cases of staff-student fraud, Moi University is said to have summoned continuing and former students over school fee swindling scheme amounting to ksh 10 MILLION shillings. Students who sent this expose claim the university employed a fraudster in the finance department who duped students, especially those on parallel programmes, millions of shillings which they are now forced to pay back. The students claim the university is solving the issue ‘internally’ to avoid a potential forensic audit by the government, which they claim will reveal ‘the worst cases of mismanagement’ by top university officials. “I was summoned yesterday to appear before a kangaroo court christened senate disciplinary committee. . .where student leaders did nothing to help us” said an enraged student. Contacted, student leaders from the university’s student body declined to comment, citing secrecy requirements. “This case has the potential to send a student leader home, I want to graduate and leave,” said a finalist student leader whom we cannot mention due to the sensitivity of the issue. Others just hung up when we raised the issue.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 17:40:42 +0000

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