~UNDERSTANDING THE HEART: The Communication Center~ The Greek - TopicsExpress


~UNDERSTANDING THE HEART: The Communication Center~ The Greek word for HEART is (kardia) the chief organ of physical life; because the life of the flesh is in the blood (Lev.17:11) and occupies the most important place in the human system. By an easy transition the word (HEART) came to stand for mans entire mental and moral activities, both the rational and emotional elements. In other words, the HEART is used FIGURATIVELY for the HIDDEN SPRINGS of the personal life. The Bible describes human depravity (moral corruption) as in the HEART; because SIN is a principle or spirit which has its seat in the center of mans inward life, and then defiles the whole circuit of his actions, (Mat.15:19,20). On the other hand scripture regards the HEART, as lying deep within, containing the HIDDEN man (1Pet.3:4) the REAL man. It represents the TRUE character, but CONCEALS it. There is a physical heart and a SPIRITUAL heart. According to (Jer.17:9; Prov.20:27; Ps.139:23; Jas.1:8) the heart is deceitful , double-minded, double-faced, hypocritical, double-tongued and dishonest. This is a revelation of a PERSONALITY and not the pumping of blood as is the function of the physical heart. This place is in the CORE or center of mans being: the spiritual communication center, in the belly area (Prov.20:27). Mans HEART contains TWO minds, mans mind and the enemys mind. Our mind that was created in the likeness of God, became contaminated after allowing satan to inject his thoughts to merge with mans. Man rejected Gods mind by exalting his own mind above Gods and accepting the mind of satan, therefore becoming DOUBLED-MINDED, deceived and confused. Man became a DOUBLED-AGENT, working with or for God at times and working with or for the devil at times. Please be aware of whom you are serving, because Rom.6:16 reveals that: to whom you YIELD yourselves servants to OBEY, his servants you ARE, to whom you OBEY; whether of SIN (satan) unto death or of OBEDIENCE (Christ) unto RIGHTEOUSNESS. TO BE CONTINUED:
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 19:07:13 +0000

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