URGENT URGENT!!!!BLOWING TRUMPETS AND SOUNDING ALARMS!!!!..IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR PEOPLE IN DARKNESS. TIME IS SHORT!!..The second coming is near....(1 thess. 4:16-17). It ant hard to believe that now because we got so many prophetic fullfillments that point to that direction. We are going to take a look at some of them. God did not leave us out here with nothing to believe, and he did not expect us to have blind faith. He only expects us to believe his word and to act upon the promises he has left us. Now prophesy is God foretelling something in his word before it happens. The lord explains why he hinges so much on prophesy in ( john 14:29)and now i have told you before it come to pass that when it is come to pass you might believe....At this time jesus had fortold his death and his ressurection. He was about to die for the sins of those who believe in him. He basically told his disiples im telling you this in advance so when it goes down you might not lose your faith. so that they would keep believeing. He gives us prophesy so that when it comes to pass we are able to believe. The bible even says that the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophesy( Revelation 19:10). That is the reason prophesy is used so dominantly. Because if you can prove to person prophecys in the bible are coming to pass right now, you can take an atheist and turn him into a red hot believer in about a half an hour. People need a reason to believe. Blind faith is not good. Blind faith may cause you to follow adoft hitler, or joseph stallen, or the fifth budda.....Im going to pay perticular attention to the prophesys surrounding isreal becoming a nation once again, and the four blood moons. These are the most important prophecys so far that has and that is being fullfilled at this moment in history...STAY WITH ME NOW!!..#1.The bible prophesied the jewish exile. The nation of isreal would dwell for many years outside of there country and promised land for disobediance. After this time would elapse they would return to there ancient possession. The predictions were exact and complete making the nations return a supernatural happening of our age. a modern miracle. They were exiled for over 2000 years.They are there again today. Isreal did not exist until 1948.(hosea 3:4-5)..This will all tie in to these blood moons of 2014-2015 which i will get to in a little bit..#2.To put the iceing on the cake Isreal was reborn in one day just as the word of God prophesies. Isreal, a nation that had not really existed as a separate nation for over 2000 years was declared a new sovereign state by an act of the united nations on may 14, 1948. The nation was born in one day just as God prophesied in (isaiah 66:8). I LOVE THIS ONE...#3 The order of the return of the jews. The first returning Jews to palestine came primarily from eastern arab countries. The next major movement came from the western countries of europe, especially germany. Then they came in great numbers from russia (north) during the end of the 1980s. The last great migrations of jews returning to isreal came from ethiopia in the south. The precise order of the return was predicted by isaiah the prophet. (Isaiah 43:5-6,21)..(psalm 107:2-3)..What!!!! the precise order. our God is precise God..#4 With the return of the nation the ancient hebrew language has been revived and become the official language of the state. Prior to this happening the jews spoke an impure form of the laguage called yiddish. the return to a pure common language was again predicted by the prophets.( Zephaniah 3:8-10) I KNOW THIS IS LONG STAY WITH ME ON THIS. #5 From desolation to productivity. The restoration of the agriculture and the trees and the forests of isreal has been another remarkable mirical. Scarcely 75 years ago the land was a desolate waste full of malarial swamps and deserts. Today the replanted forests are florishing and the israeli agricultural production is one of the great wounders of the world. should we say again just as predicted! ( Isaiah 26:6)..(Isaiah 35:1-2)........Now how does these Blood moons tie into these prophesies here we go..STAY WITH ME NOW!!! THIS IS IMPORTANT, I NEED YOU TO CATCH THIS...The next time the four blood moons begin to appear will be in april of 2014. Nasa has projected that the tetrad will begin on april 2014 and end in september 2015. It will occur in the following sequences: 1.Passover,april 15,2014....2.Feast of tabernacles,october 8,2014...3.Passover,april 4, 2015....4.Feast of tabernacles,september 28,2015..after the apperance of the second blood moon and before the third blood moon there will be a total solar eclipse on march 20,2015. What is the prophetic significance and connection of these four blood moons????? To anwser this important question we must review the history of the last 3 tetrads. It is very rare that scripture, science and historical events align with one another, yet the last 3 four blood moons series or tetrads done exactly that. Several tetrads have occured in the past five hundred years; Only 3 have corresponded to the jewish feast days as well as being linked to historical events significant to isreal. KEEP IN MIND these feast days are very important to God he says in the bible they are my feast days they belong to him. Seven more tetrads will take place in the 21st century, however only one of these seven, the tetrad of 2014-2015 will align itself with the feast of the lord. The last four blood moons that accured on gods high holy feast days were in 1492 this was the year the jewish people were dispersed from spain and highly persecuted, columbis so called discovered america around this time,we were a baby nation. The jews migrated to america God signified it with four blood moons and a solor eclipse on his high holy feast days. 1948 this day marked the day Isreal became a nation again. After God exiled his people for disobediance over 2000 years ago they were with out a nation. God prophesied in his word that in the last days he would bring back the jewish people to a nation in just one day. Guess what after 2000 years the jewish people were brought back a nation once again in one day in 1948 and God signified it with four blood moons and a solar eclipse all occured on his high holy feast days. In 1967 there was a 6 day war. All the surrounding nations went to destroy little old isreal. Isreal defeated like 8 nations not to mention they gained there capital back that was once lost jeruselem. They had Gods supernatural help, God marked that time in history with 4 blood moons and a solar eclipse all on his high holy feast days..The chances of these events happening on Gods high holy feast days 4 times in a row like this is slim to none. PLEASE DO YOU SEE THE CONNECTION...TIME IS SHORT SOMETHING IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN THAT WILL EFFECT THE WORLD FOREVER. then god said let there be lights in the firmanant of the heavens to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and seasons( Genesis 1:14). God is sending us signs in the heavens that the season for his return is here PLEASE DONT OVER LOOK THIS!!!!! The prophet joel sends a clear and powerful message to the world. The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and awesome day of the lord( Joel 2:31) Joel is discribing blood moons and a solar eclipse. The apostle peter repeats joels declaration during his sermon on the day of pentecost in the book of (acts 2:19-20). They are giving exactly the same message. Luke alerts us that when we see these signs Lift your heads, because your redemption draws near( Luke 21:25-28). This is a prophetic bullseye there is a thin line between coiencedence and truth. SOMETHING IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!!!! IF YOU NEVER MADE THINGS RIGHT WITH JESUS THE TIME IS NOW..Dont gamble with your souls hell is not worth it....SOUL SURVIVOR MINISTRIES HELPING TO PRESERVE THE SOUL THROUGH THE LIVING WORD OF GOD. BY: jacob van dyke solder in christ jesus
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 20:26:56 +0000

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