US government officials supported secret negotiations aimed at - TopicsExpress


US government officials supported secret negotiations aimed at securing the release of American hostage Abdul-Rahman Peter Kassig, who was abducted and eventually murdered by Islamic State. Emails seen by the Guardian show how tentative talks between US lawyer Stanley Cohen, former Guantánamo Bay detainees, jihadi scholars and Isiss spiritual elite ran for several weeks before coming to an abrupt end when Jordanian security services arrested scholar Abu Muhammed al-Maqdisi, who was at the heart of the negotiations This is the most interesting article Ive read this entire year. theguardian/…/secret-talks-save-peter-kassig… It shows so many things. Firstly, that the jihadi groups themselves are highly splintered (as was well known) and in fact battling each other. Secondly, that the most effective manner of appealing to them is through the religious texts and correct interpretation of Islamic law. Thirdly, the problem comes when they are dismissive of anyone and everyone who is not a part of their trend. So, fellow jihadists need to be sought who are not as radical as one strand, in order to reason with them. Fourthly, that there are many good people in the world who want to see justice and peace for everyone, such as Stanley Cohen, someone whom Im proud to say I have worked with and know on a personal level. Lastly, unrelated points: it seems very clear to me that Abd al-Rahman Kassig foiled Daeshs agenda and did not say the script he was supposed to say. The only logical and rational reason that Daesh did not release Kassigs video is that he must have been saying the shahada as they killed him. And this, of course, destroys the entire narrative of Daesh as being defenders of Islam. In any case, this is journalism at its finest - if only all news articles were to this caliber. - Yasir Qadhi Meraj
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 15:19:59 +0000

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