USA er blitt Russlands Fremmedlegion, hevder Norulv Øvrebotten i - TopicsExpress


USA er blitt Russlands Fremmedlegion, hevder Norulv Øvrebotten i denne artikkelen på engelsk som han har publisert på Google+ -------------------------------------------------------------------- Norulv Øvrebotten: "The paradoxical logic of smart terror, and why the truth is contrary to what the world generally believes". "My background, history and description: I am a former reporter, chief editor and defence politician. During the last year I have been working on the disclosure of the deceptive operation in connection with the terror and mass murder in Norway on July 22nd 2011. Behind all the camouflage you will find also in this operation an old communist method which is recurring in a long row of similar combinations of murder and deception throughout recent history. In order to indirectly consolidate and accumulate power. I live in Førde, Sogn og Fjordane County, Western Norway. I have been a reporter at the NRK Radio newsdesk and NRK Radio foreign affairs editors in Oslo (1980-1986), and chief editor of the newspapers Firdaposten in Florø and Rogalands Avis in Stavanger in the nineteen nineties. In the last one I was also the administrative director. Between 1986 and 1988 I was the Personal Secretary (Political Advisor) of Defence Minister Johan Jørgen Holst, who came from the position of director of the Norwegian Institute of Foreign Policy (NUPI), the man behind the Oslo Agreement of the Middle East in 1993, and also appreciated as Norway’s foremost politician on security and foreign affairs. Johan Jørgen Holst died in service as Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1994, only 56 years old, after being hit by numerous cerebral hemorrhages. Prime Minister and physician Gro Harlem Brundtland immediately concluded that his death was due to a hereditary weakness of Mr. Holst. In that case I must be suffering from the same sort of weakness, in addition to a few others, but survived. Another of Johan Jørgen Holst’s secretaries who served as his deputy while he held the post of Defence Minister, was shot and killed in 1999. The murder was camouflaged under a false motive and in a false context. I have been a chairman of and sitting on several government appointed committees on defence matters. My security clearance was NATO Cosmic Top Secret. Today I am retired, but the insight in defence and security politics does not depend on wearing a white collar or not. As a consequense of my background and personal experience I can give you an analysis and understanding of the political reality that goes far deeper than what you get in the normal press. I know the deep state far better than most other people. I had my first prestigous appointment in the Ministry of Defence at the age of 23. While Rolf Hansen held the post of Defence Minister and Johan Jørgen Holst was his deputy. I then got infiltrated by Stasi, the East German Intelligence Service. With consequenses that escalated as time passed. In particular after the alleged outcome of the fall of the Berlin Wall was turned upside down in Norway as a consequense of new communist deceptions, and Stasi became incorporated into the KGB. After the transition from The Soviet Union to Russia, the secret services of the Kremlin changed name and became the FSB, and the old, well masked domination over the Norwegian State from the days of Josef Stalin in the nineteen thirties, was reinforced and continued into a new era. Norwegians have so far been through three name changes in the secret services that dominates and controls us: NKVD, KGB, and now FSB. In other words through several generations, starting more than 70 years ago. Norway lost their true independance and continued living on an illusion. Stalin doubled everything he could reach, not least whole states. Very few people have had such an extensive and personal contact with eastern secret services as I have during my lifetime. So my insight regarding how double states work is profound. The subject of conspiracy is an integrated part of intelligence and security policy, and the Machiavellian life in the shadows is best learned through practice. Particularly when your life is at risk and you have to save it. As a consequence of the insight into how Norway and other states in reality are controlled from the shadows in conditions of significance, smear campaigns are frequently run against me on the internet and otherwise. I choose to ignore those. This kind of methods is always used against dissidents in this kind of systems. If you don’t get killed. Both can happen to you. Indirect deception means manipulating people in the surroundings of the target. The person who is the target will then be affected indirectly. Not just directly. As in normal deception. This is how the most professional cheaters create a snowball effect and Our Cause: The Cosa Nostra. Using people in the surroundings of the target as intermediaries in order to fool, force and deceive, means the deception is mediate, not immediate, in other words. It is primarily indirect. Just as much as a single person like myself and others, can be targeted for this kind of attack and deception, parts of or even complete populations can be targeted by the same kind of procedure, of which [the] July 22nd [terrorist attack] is an example. 9/11 is the same story. A similar structure is a recurrent feature in the different events. They come in creative variations, all spectacular. I have gradually gained many years of experience as an infiltrated and persecuted critic of the system and an oppositional in Norway, and I have been exposed to several murder attempts, systematical abuse and harassment. By classic communist techniques. Some of these techniques in psychological warfare, are described by British journalist Luke Harding of The Guardian in his book «Mafia State» released last year. He was mildly terrorised compared with what I have been exposed to in Norway. He was never exposed to physical torture. People who get deprived of sleep, poisoned and harassed obviously become sick, but they don’t have a disease. Even if such an illusion can be created. I have identified and am able to describe the most advanced methods of deception in public and private proceedings the last decade.This totalitarian phenomenon is international. The deceptions are first and foremost indirect, and are used in various forms to manipulate important issues for the desired outcome both in Norway and other western countries. What I describe is how terror and deception are combined in smaller and bigger operations, after surveying the method of these schemes. They follow old recipes from the era of Joseph Stalin. In addition to include brutal violence and torture, they are built on techniques from [the trade of] magicians and other illusionists. Modern operations of deception have evolved and gained higher levels of sophistication since the days of Lenin and Stalin, but the basic structure and mindset behind have not changed. «Game of the negative space» was what the nazis called these schemes. With these smart techniques crime can be white washed and dressed up as law and order, and passed as something different than what they are. Lawyers are very often used in these deceptions. Where the building blocks are contradictions. With illusion and deception as consequences. You will then kill your friends in order to strenghten your friends, which has been demonstrated in Norway in 2011. In this kind of legal construction a basic contradiction is built into the essential structure of the scheme. The combination of assassins and lawyers creates almost perfect crimes. My conclusions follow as a consequense of identifying the method: You will find the same director behind the scenes in the terrorist attacks in the US in 1995 and 2001, as in Norway in 2011. The same applies for Poland in 2010. This is revealed solely by the characteristic deception originating from the Soviet era that you will find in connection with the national proceedings of these attacks. Carried out against defenceless people. Same method and other consistencies can be found in all of these circumstances. Which also applies for professional impostors appearing as lawyers. They apply procedures and techniques that trick everybody continually, adapted from illusionists. With masking the real purpose as a consequense. Commissions lead by a lawyer is a standard element following this kind of terror in affected countries, and when this kind of reports is presented as unmasked and honest truth, the exact opposite is the actual fact. Everything is made more masked and dishonest as a result of the proceedings. The prefabricated untruth about terror and murder is developed in this manner, and externally given more seriousness and authority as a consequence of the processing in special commissions of this kind, and the same happens when courts of law are dealing with these issues. Where deception is built on murder. Stalin discovered the biggest western security loophole in the field of law, and this security loophole has now been blown bigger and changed into a permanently open gate. Western states of law can through the game of the negative space be turned into states of crime. With complicity in murder, terror and any other criminal activity. Everything that was made for a good purpose can be turned into the exact opposite in this manner. Whole states and security systems can be turned against their own populations. The signature belongs to the KGB. Using the old name of the eastern secret services. Which is called the FSB today. Plus the SVR and the GRU for other parts of these services, to be precise. Not that a new name means any methods and schemes have changed. The same models and procedures as before are still being used. This is canny and evil genius from the era of Joseph Stalin. Which is more vibrant than ever.The evil genius is only upgraded and modernised. Not least enabled to be masked as law and justice, even more than earlier. It has more than ever been systemized for this purpose. In a way that crime is gaining a semblance of legality, and can be presented as something different than what it really is. The red thread from the old days has only changed colour. No real break with the past has occured in the East. Only the illusion that it happened has been created since 1992. With considerable consequences for the power structure in the West. At every level. It is therefore in the West, and not in the East, that the really substantial and deep break with the past occurs. Strategic deception is an art of war that Moscow masters better than nobody else. Creating an illusion of loss can be ingenious in order to win. After twenty years of living with the consequences of this illusion, both Europe and the US are still under the covert Russian heal, now more than ever. Indirectly. As a consequence of this strategic feint, and the brutal terror attacks that has occured to consolidate covert power under the cover of this stratagem. In the really big game. Which the Americans call «The Grand Strategy». The Mafia State of the era of Lenin and Stalin has been transformed, and as a consequence become really great and powerful. It is now a Russian led empire covering several continents. With several western intermediate level managers. Smartly encapsulated in the revised system of the East. Where covert power is what counts. Any other [powers] are just fronts in reality. "The Dual State" was a totalitarian consept that communists and nazis had in common. Since then the dual state as basic principle has been systematically developed, made more sophisticated, realised and developed in one country after the other in the West. They all have a democratic external facade that covers up old and well known realities of political power internally. With the same kind of deception in public proceedings of important issues as a common strategic characteristic. The impostors are generally disguised as lawyers. They are the moles. As before. With the difference that their numbers are now greater than ever. The masked power of the East has been reinforced on a basis that was already systematically and well developed. The center of gravity has been moved westward during the last twenty years. With this kind of relocation of real power comes the combination of terror and deception to indirectly secure and consolidate what has been gained, and which is being acheived increasingly by this kind of totalitarian methods. Like the increasingly demoralised population of the US are experiencing. The Americans are in reality going through a painful process from a life in freedom to a life in the opposite in a covert and increasingly totalitarian vassal state. As a consequence of having lost a cold war that they have been tricked to believe they won. Faith is a predisposing quality. The game of the negative space have some absurd consequenses, and one of them is that the US lost the cold war a long time before it was officially over. With an illusion of the opposite result. The brutal coup against President John F. Kennedy in 1963 was a milestone in this respect. It is now 50 years since Kennedy got a bullet in his head. As if he was a kulak under Stalin. Personnally I have no doubt that this coup in America was a deceptive operation from the KGB. After having identified the method. Which is consistent with similar situations and other deceptive operations from the East. Later Russia has gained an increasingly good basis for controlling important issues in the US by means of intrigue and similar acts of deception. The Watergate scandal is standing out in particular. When Richard Nixon had to step down as president. In 1974. The method of deception with this result belong to the KGB. You still have to go further back in time than the days of Nixon and Kennedy to get a better understanding of the context. My analyses on the basis of having identified the eastern methods of deception , show that the Russians gained the strategic upper hand as early as soon after the end of WW2. When the US founded the CIA and created NATO in a way that made it possible to turn both against their real purposes, and gradually become much greater eastern successes than western. This has been high class strategic art of war from Moscow since before WW2, and recent events like 9/11 in 2001, is much easier to comprehend when you are able to follow the correct lose ends backwards, after having identified the engine of the development. This engine is smart Russian deception. After the same recipe. Decade after decade. You have now entered a new millennium with the same old story. Now socialism as an attraction and camouflage has been swapped with human rights. The world will be deceived, and you along with it. It is done cleverly. No one is against heaven on earth. Russian brightness and intellectual superiority have been the crucial strategic success factors all these years. Now the Russian President Putin can use the US almost like a Foreign Legion wherever he wants. Like you saw unfolding in Libya in 2011. Which doesn’t exactly indicate that Putin has lost any cold war. Neither any other war. A warm one. The combination of terror and deception is always present in the company of the totalitarian power. Like it used to be in the era of Stalin. It is a paradox that the unrestrained brutality itself is blinding most people from the fact that this is the same old story all over again. Even today. It has only come much closer to the life of even more western people . Covert communist terror which through deception passes guilt to others, is no longer far away and distant. The truth is really there for everybody to see, and therefore it gets easily overlooked. The context should be easy to understand. When it is explained in a simple way: The indirect consequense of the combination of terror and deception is that people will support the system. Which the killing in reality happened for . Entire populations are getting tricked into it. Such brutal terror with great shock effect thus has a rational explanation in a strategic context. Power is fortified and consolidated. The logic of war is not linear. It is paradoxical. Therefore the consequenses of terror is also paradoxical. The purpose is achieved indirectly. My profile picture was taken in 1996. This is used deliberately. That was the year when the legal position I had from my birth as a human being was turned upside down in the alleged western state of law of which I was a citizen. Precisely as a consequense of the game of the negative space against me.That is why I became an expert. Smart deception dressed up as smart law is something I understand better than most people, after having investigated and uncovered this game for seventeen years. In detail. Either if such deception is combined with murder or not. All conditions were systematically turned upside down in my case, and subsequently others were tricked into acting on this false basis. Which is what this communist method of deception involves otherwise as well. Wherever it is used. From micro to macro levels. «Once false, always false», the arrangement is. Both in large and small. Reality is shaped when you and others are tricked into acting on the illusions. These illusions are created continuously as a consequense of the method itself when the game of the negative space is the engine of the development. In these charades the normal consequense is that the truth of any matter is the opposite of what you are tricked to percieve. This is a characteristic consequence of the illusions. The human mind has a built-in weakness: It perceives the cause first, then the effect. This weakness makes it possible for magicians, scammers and impostors to trick you. It is a weakness utilized to the maximum in these communist deceptions. Any positive condition is given a simultaneous negation, and others are tricked into acting on the basis of the negation. The deception thus has ever increasing, compelling consequenses. For the one or for those who are targeted. The working principle of the communist game of the negative space, is breaking a principle. Consistently and consequently. And it isn’t just any principle which is broken. The principle of non-contradiction according to Aristotle, also known as the law of non-contradiction, stating that contradictory statements cannot both be true in the same sense at the same time. It is considered the most important principle of rational thinking. Which is the basis of western civilisation, enlightenment and progress. Communist barbarism and deception of the East, either in its old or new form, constitutes a completely different basis of human life. Where two or more contradictory statements are considered true at the same time. Conclusions are claimed to prove the premises. Where honest thinking and rational argumentation to make advance in life, in reality is replaced by trickery and robbery, coercion and brute force in general. Dishonesty and untruth has been reduced to a system. In that case the West has broken with the values and civilisation of the past , which are founded on the basis of rationality. On a system of common sence. Then freedom is lost. Nine-eleven 2001 in the US and July 22nd 2011 in Norway, are two of several incidents which confirms this increasing loss of freedom. Something that is easier to understand when the method of this combination of terror and deception is identified. When the right context has been clarified." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 19:57:50 +0000

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