Uhuru Kenyatta now abandons the presidency. He is now behaving and - TopicsExpress


Uhuru Kenyatta now abandons the presidency. He is now behaving and acting like a sect leader. Perhaps he now wants to inherit Maina Njenga, - mungiki leader. Those of us who grew up in the streets of Nairobi know what it means to be up against mungiki. But we defied them. Formed ourselves in to some militia group. Made a very clear statement - a tooth for a tooth. That is how we survived mungiki in the streets of Nairobi. If Uhuru Kenyatta goes for mungiki tactics, Kenyans, watoto wetu, i want to assure you Uhuru can and will be defeated. Leadership in about presenting an opinion and persuading people to follow. You cant just beat everyone into following your vodka politics. If this was possible, the apartheid regime in south Africa would still be in place today. Ferdinand Marcos would still be in Philippines today. Not to mention Saddam Hussein and Uhurus friend Gaddafi. Uhuru Kenyatta wants to force Kenyans to respect him. He wants to force Kenyans to fear him. Uhurus tribe, kikuyus wants to force Kenyans to respect their presidency. They want to force Kenyans to fear their presidency. Let me say, grandpa would have told you, respect is earned not demanded. So Uhuru, you want our respect, earn it. You are not going to beat anyone into respecting you.. Kikuyus, you want us to respect your presidency, you are going to earn it. Nobody is going to be beaten into respecting your presidency. In any case this is your presidency. What business do the rest of us Kenyans have to do with your presidency????? However the calls for Kenyans to fear Uhuru are very dangerous. Like grandpa would have told you. When the people fear the president, there is anarchy. When the president fears the people, there is democracy..... Tafakari hayo mtoto wetu.........................
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 19:51:20 +0000

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