Uhuru and Ruto should carefully analyse situation in Egypt and - TopicsExpress


Uhuru and Ruto should carefully analyse situation in Egypt and Turkey. Winning by slightly above 50% does not give you mandate to do as you wish. It is prudent to win over the remaining 50% fast, in the first year. But if you start by turning off a huge chunk of the 50% that voted for you and make them join the other 50%, then you are setting yourself for some serious, real trouble ahead. Even in his wildest nightmares, Egyptian President Morsi could not imagine that after winning 51.7 of the votes in June 18, 2012, he would be facing a popular revolution exactly one year into his presidency. By remaining silent as Miraa faces imminent ban in Europe- the Merus will slowly leave and join the other 50%. By dealing roughly with Teachers, a large base will join the other 50%, by introducing VAT on essential food items, a large base will join the other 50%, by Taxing Landlords, a good portion of his base will join the other 50%. Then all he will be left with are the Radical tribal base that probably constitute 10 percent of the population.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 06:19:32 +0000

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